Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2)

Free Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2) by Andria Large

Book: Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2) by Andria Large Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Large
touching him
when Honeysuckle filled his nose. His hands rested on the tops of his thighs,
palms up. Raelynn kept stroking his hair, whispering gentle words in his ear.
The words didn’t even matter. He was so numb now that nothing mattered. Once
the paramedics got Bill out of there, Raelynn helped him up and took him into
the bathroom.
      Sebastian stared blankly at his
hands as Raelynn scrubbed away the blood. She was silent and tense. He had
nothing reassuring to say to her either. He was still completely numb. He just
let her do whatever she wanted to him. He didn't care. He didn't care about
anything at the moment. Once Raelynn got his hands clean, she dried them with a
paper towel. She flipped down the toilet seat and guided him down onto it. She
cupped his face and tilted it up toward her, standing between his legs, her
thumbs stroking his cheeks.
    "Sebastian?" she asked softly.
    "Hmm?" he replied, staring at
    "Can you look at me?" Raelynn
asked, ducking her head to put her eyes level with his.
    Sebastian blinked slowly before lifting
his eyes to hers.
    "Are you injured? Is any of this
blood yours?" she asked, the worry and fear sharp in her blue eyes.
    "No." He swallowed.
    Raelynn nodded. "Okay, good,"
she said, letting out a breath she had been apparently holding.
      Raelynn leaned down and kissed him
softly on the lips. It was short and sweet and said that she had been scared to
death that he might have been hurt. After she pulled back, she helped him to
his feet and led him out of the bathroom. Sebastian barely paid attention to
what was going on or where she was taking him. The next thing he knew, he was
in her car, sitting in the front passenger seat. He vaguely heard her tell
someone that she was taking him home to get a change of clothes or something.
      Raelynn watched as Sebastian
walked stiffly into his apartment. She had to dig his keys out of his pocket.
When they stopped in front of his door, he just stood there staring at the
floor. Raelynn had never been so scared in her life. When she got the call that
there had been a shooting at Bill's, she almost had a panic attack. She swore that
she was going to find Sebastian dead on the floor. Instead, she found a woman
and two men dead, and one man seriously injured.
      The way it looked was that the two
men had walked in and shot the woman and Bill before Sebastian took them out.
But she wanted to hear it from him before she jumped to conclusions. Sebastian,
though, was in no condition to talk, he was a walking zombie. Barely anything
she said got through to him. He was staring off into space most of the time,
and she knew he was in some kind of shock. His skin was cool to the touch, and
his pulse was elevated when she checked it in the car. She took his wrist in
her hand, and he didn't even flinch. She was really starting to worry about
      Raelynn shut and locked the door
then took Sebastian's hand and led him into the bathroom. Raelynn turned on the
shower and let the water get hot. She knew Sebastian wasn't going to wash
himself, so she stripped out of her clothes before getting him out of his blood
soaked jeans. His knees and shins caked with dry blood, and his jeans were
toast; she would throw them in the trash when she was done.
      Raelynn got in the shower and
pulled Sebastian in. She backed him up under the hot spray and grabbed his
soap. Raelynn bent down, scrubbed his legs clean, and stood when she was
finished. After placing the soap back, she reached up and cupped his face in
her hands. Sebastian lifted his eyes to hers. Devastation. That was the only
word to describe what was in his eyes.
    "Is Bill alive?" he whispered.
    "Yes, he made it to surgery and
should make a full recovery," Raelynn said softly.
      Sebastian closed his eyes and
dropped his forehead to hers. Raelynn sighed and closed her eyes, too. His
hands snaked around her

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