Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2)

Free Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2) by Andria Large Page B

Book: Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2) by Andria Large Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Large
she asked gently.
    "Yes," he whispered.
    "Okay," she said and stood.
    Raelynn paced into the kitchen and pulled
out her phone. Pulling up Henry Beck's number, she hit the call button, and
then put the phone to her ear. It rang four times before he picked up.
    "Hello?" Henry's deep raspy
voice answered.
    "Henry, this is Detective
Reynolds," she replied.
    "Oh, hey, Detective. What's going
on?” Henry asked lightly.
    "Listen, I don't want you to freak
out okay?" Raelynn said.
    "How do you expect me not to freak
out now that you said that?" he asked dryly.
    "Sorry. I'll just get right to it
then. Sebastian was attacked while at work today."
    "Jesus Christ! Is he okay?" he
practically shouted into the phone.
    "Yes. Physically he is fine.
Emotionally, I'm not so sure," she sighed.
    "What the hell happened?" Henry
asked, sounding worried and angry at the same time.
      Raelynn gave him the CliffsNotes version, which had Henry cursing up a
storm. He then said he would be right over and hung up on her. Raelynn went
back over to Sebastian and sat down. She didn't know what to do for him. He was
rocking slightly, his way of trying to comfort himself.
      About half an hour later,
Sebastian's door opened and Henry and an older woman walked in. Henry
apparently had a key. Raelynn was rubbing his back when they walked in. She
turned and looked over the back of the couch. Henry gave her a tight smile and
a nod, while the older woman gave her a curious look.
    "Thanks, Detective," Henry said.
She stood and moved to shake his hand.
    "No problem." Raelynn nodded.
    Henry gave her a grateful look, went to
his brother's side, putting an arm around his shoulders. Raelynn turned to the
older woman. "Hi, I'm Detective Reynolds," she said, holding out her
    The other woman took it and held it in
both of hers. "I'm Anne Beck, Sebastian's mother."
    "Mrs. Beck, it's very nice to meet
you," Raelynn said, genuinely pleased that she was here. Sebastian needed
all the support he could get right now.
    "You, too, dear. My, you are
beautiful," she said, almost in awe, as she looked over Raelynn.
    Raelynn blushed. "Thank you,
    "Please, call me Anne," she
said, patting Raelynn's hand.
    "Then I insist you call me
    "You got it." Anne smiled.
    "I'm gonna get out of your
hair...let you two spend time with Sebastian," Raelynn said quietly.
      Anne nodded and let her hand go.
Raelynn started for the door and just as she was about to grab the knob,
Sebastian grabbed her arm and swung her around. His lips crushing hers cut off
her yelp. She sucked in a sharp breath through her nose and clutched his shirt.
He pulled back slowly, littering her mouth with small pecks from corner to
    "Thank you for being there for me
today," he whispered against her lips.
    "Anytime." she breathed.
      Sebastian stepped back and Raelynn
caught the amused look both Henry and his mother were wearing. Raelynn bit back
the urge to stick out her tongue at them. She opened the door and stepped into
the hall. She gave Sebastian a small smile before heading toward the elevator,
her heart pounding from that last kiss. She wanted to kick herself for caring
about him as much as she did, knowing it would only end in heartache.
      Quinn stared down at the
blueprints in front of him, unable to concentrate; all he could think about was
what Sebastian went through yesterday. Henry had called him this morning to let
him know. It was unbelievable. Quinn couldn't even imagine what Sebastian was
feeling right now. Henry had said he was completely out of it and that he was
going to be taking him to see his therapist today. How much could one man take?
Surely Sebastian was at his limit. He's killed three people now. Yeah, they
deserved it, but Sebastian wasn't a killer. His mind didn't work that way.
      Quinn had noticed a change

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