A Little Broken

Free A Little Broken by Juli Valenti

Book: A Little Broken by Juli Valenti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juli Valenti
making the room seem more like Christmas to her rather than Halloween, despite the costumes of course. Music filtered softly through speakers, some slow songs that Jessie thought she may have heard via the diner’s radio. There were people crowded throughout it all, clad in various costumes ranging from elegant to funny. She saw Marilyn Monroe with her Joe DiMaggio. Marc Antony stood close to a Cleopatra, while talking with a couple that looked to be dressed as Ozzy and Sharon Osborne. She even saw a Hugh Hefner surrounded by three girls in bunny costumes. Everywhere she looked there was something to see – it was beautiful and interesting and she hated that she was getting overwhelmed so quickly. She tried to keep her breathing even and the hand in Dominick’s steady.  She must have tensed though, because Dominick moved his hand to her back, swirling in a pseudo-comforting fashion.
    “Relax. They’re just people, it’s just a room,” he whispered softly, his mouth close to her ear.
    “I’m not good with groups…or things like this,” she admitted to him, dipping her head slightly to cover her face with her curls. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
    “No, it wasn’t a bad idea – you just need to take it slow. It’s a lot to take in, I know. Come on, we can go sit down on one of the couches.”
    Dominick didn’t wait for a response, instead squeezing her hand before guiding her to one of the small two-seater white couches. He helped her to sit, arranging the hoop so it fell right, and crouched on his knee in front of her.
    “Jessie, we have already agreed that I won’t press for any information you don’t want to give. The weather discussion option still stands, if that’s what you want to talk about. We can even go and just pass out candy – but look at me.” He had placed a finger under her chin, raising her face. “Tonight? You’re not Jessie Braden. You’re Scarlett O’Hara, on the arm of your Rhett Butler. You’re an icon, classic and beautiful. I, for one, am proud to have you here on my arm for as long as you choose to stay. Remember, we can leave any time you want – it was part of our deal.”
    Jessie sighed, nodding her head in silent agreement, hating herself. She didn’t want to be this girl, the one who couldn’t stand to be in a beautiful room surrounded by people. Even just a year ago, she would have been in heaven. Now, she was trapped in her own mind, a hell of her own guilt, her sorrow, her… failings.   She didn’t want to ruin his night because of her inability to socialize. She would just have to dig deep, locate the social butterfly she used to be, and hold on with both hands.
    Music began to filter louder through the room, and Dominick stood. Holding his hand out to her he said, straight-faced, “Come on. Dance with me. Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”
    Jessie couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of her throat. Even she knew of Dirty Dancing, and that he’d quoted it pretty much made her night. She placed her hand in his, and allowed him to help her up, and lead her to the dance floor.
    “ Tell me your secrets… and ask me your questions. Oh, Let’s get back to the start,” Dominick sang softly as he pulled her in tightly against him, wrapping an arm around her waist. Her hand still in his, he began to move them. Jessie felt completely awkward, but as she allowed her body to follow his she relaxed into his arms.
    Dancing with Dominick was like walking – she didn’t know where she was going, or how she was getting there, she just was. She stared into his honey eyes, and felt the world fall away until it was just the two of them, and the crooning voice singing as they moved.
    “ Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard,” he finished the song, dipping her so low that Jessie’s hair brushed the ground. When he raised her back up, neither moved. Their eyes were locked, and her stomach tightened beneath her corset. The feeling took her

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