What Piper Needs

Free What Piper Needs by Amanda Abbott

Book: What Piper Needs by Amanda Abbott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Abbott
Tags: Contemporary
imported from Italy.”
    Michael groaned softly as she took him in hand.
    Her legs and back were positioned under the desk, but she had enough room to move. “This is so crazy,” he said as she lowered her mouth over the tip. “You’re going to get me fired.”
    She shook her head around his cock. “Not a chance.” She began to work him over, taking his length in one, smooth pull, easing back and lapping the crown with her tongue, then doing it all over again.
    Michael’s head tipped back. “ Goddamn it, woman. That feels mighty fine.”
    Piper smiled as she continued, lifting herself a little higher so she could get a better angle over his lap.
    She’d increased her pace, losing herself to it, when she heard a sound.
    A slight tap at the door.
    Michael shot forward in his seat, but Piper refused to let go. Instead, she crouched as low as possible, keeping her mouth firmly around her husband’s throbbing cock.
    “Um, so sorry to bother you, Mr. Collins.” The woman sounded exactly like the one she’d just run into in the hallway a few minutes ago. Beth. “I have this brief for you to sign. It’s the one you worked on with Carl Hanes last month.”
    “Sure…um, come in.” Michael leaned forward, covering the top of Piper’s head with his torso.
    Piper heard movement as Beth walked into the office. Beth was a pretty thing, and Piper knew what her husband was likely thinking. If Beth noticed them, it would make it even hotter. Piper sucked her husband deep. She couldn’t move her head up and down, so instead, she worked him over with her tongue.
    “You have to sign in triplicate,” Beth said. “All three copies are there. Do you want me to wait, or should I come back later?”
    “Now is fine,” Michael told her, his breath hitching just a little.
    Piper wondered if he knew he sounded winded. The thought made Piper work harder, running her tongue up and down his silkiness. She’d been hoping something like this would happen, and really, Beth was a perfect participant, even if she didn’t know what was happening. If Michael’s boss or one of the partners had come in, it would’ve been stressful instead of sexy.
    Piper heard papers being shuffled. “I saw your wife in the hallway a few minutes ago,” Beth said. “She’s really beautiful.”
    “Thank you. Piper’s a great girl.”
    Piper caressed the base of his cock with her hand.
    “How long have you two been married?”
    “Ten years this summer.” Michael cleared his throat. “Best ten of my life.”
    “I’m sure. Thanks for these. Say hi to your wife for me when you see her next.” Piper heard footsteps heading toward the door. “Would you like me to shut the door or leave it open?” Piper was pretty sure she heard laughter behind Beth’s words.
    “Why don’t you leave it open a crack?” Michael answered, leaning back in his chair. “I’m expecting someone to come by soon.”
    “Well, I hope they come very soon.”
    She totally knew!
    Piper’s libido ramped up, and she took hold of Michael’s cock and renewed her efforts. Michael’s hands plowed through her hair as he groaned, “Beth totally guessed what was happening, but I’m beyond caring. I just want to come.”
    Piper pumped her fist while she sucked. A few more pulls, and Michael would have his wish. While she swallowed, Piper would slide her hand down her pants.
    This day couldn’t get much better.

    * * *

    When Beth had walked in while Piper was sucking him off, Michael had nearly blown his load right there. But if he had, Beth would’ve known for sure what was going on, and that could’ve led to a sexual-harassment lawsuit, or worse. Michael was a decent guy. He didn’t want to upset or offend Beth.
    Michael’s hands were wrapped in Piper’s hair, his head angled back against his chair. “I’m almost there— ahhh …”
    As he came, his body bucked, and his beautiful wife sucked.
    It was blissful.
    After a moment, Piper moaned.
    He glanced down to find she

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