Escape from Wolfhaven Castle

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Book: Escape from Wolfhaven Castle by Kate Forsyth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Forsyth
then who shall rescue my father and his people?’
    ‘We’ll just have to bend our backs to it,’ Sebastian answered, flexing his arm muscles.
    ‘You’d best be quiet,’ Tom said. ‘If that’s possible.’
    Sebastian reddened and seized one oar. ‘I’ll go first!’
    ‘No, I will!’ Tom seized the other.
    ‘You’re both as noisy as cats in a fight,’ Quinn said. ‘ I’ll row!’
    She took the oars and began to manoeuvre theboat out onto the misty river. Slowly, they glided away from the bridge.
    A shout rang out above them. Two knights had been standing guard on the bridge. They must have seen the shape of the boat through the mist. ‘Ahoy! Over here!’ one shouted.
    ‘Look, they wear my father’s wolf insignia!’ Elanor cried in excitement. ‘They can help us!’ She stood up and waved at them.
    The two knights suddenly lifted their bows and aimed at the boat. ‘Watch out!’ shrieked Quinn. One arrow whizzed so close to Elanor’s face, it raised a thin red welt along her cheek. She stumbled back, her hand to her face.
    ‘But … they’re my father’s men …’
    ‘Must be the invaders in disguise,’ Tom said, as the sound of galloping hooves disturbed the mist. ‘Everybody down!’
    The knights began chasing them along the harbour’s edge, little more than dark, racing shapes in the fog.
    ‘Quick, let’s put up the sail,’ Quinn cried. Then,when everyone else looked around, worried and confused, she said, ‘Here, Tom, take the oars and row, while I do it. We need to get away!’
    Quinn lifted the mast up from where it lay in the bottom of the boat, and set it in its socket. Sebastian held it steady for her while she secured it with pins, and then together they unfurled the brown sail. Tom, meanwhile, had been gallantly rowing while Elanor kept an eye on the riders, who were drawing closer to them with each stride. The first rider released the reins as he lifted high a bow and arrow. The arrow had been set alight. ‘Fire!’ cried Elanor, as it soared toward them, leaving a stinking trail of smoke and ashes.
    A wind sprang out of nowhere, and the sail bellied out. The boat sprang forward, and the arrow fell into their wake, sizzling as it hit the water. The rider aimed another fiery arrow, but it was too late. With the wind behind them, the boat surged ahead, and the galloping riders were left far behind.
    The children shouted with relief and Sebastian pumped his fist into the air.
    ‘Goodbye,’ Tom called. ‘Hope to never see you again.’
    ‘Thank you, Owl-Eyes,’ Quinn said, and patted the side of the boat as if it was a dog or a horse.
    ‘Thank you,’ Elanor said, her eyes shining. ‘Thank you, all of you.’

    The boat sailed on into the mist. The rocking motion lulled the exhausted children. An hour passed, and then another, and still the boat sailed on up the river. One by one, the children laid down their heads on their arms. ‘I’m so tired,’ Elanor murmured.
    ‘Me too,’ Tom said, huddling the grey cloak close about him. ‘But we should push on. We’re still too close to the castle.’
    But then Quinn yawned, and they all yawned with her. Even Fergus, showing a lolling pink tongue and sharp pointed teeth.
    ‘Need … to … rest,’ Quinn said. She was so tired her whole body ached. She yawned again, so widely her jaw made a cracking sound, and drew her shawl closer about her.
    ‘Maybe we can stop … just for a little while,’ Tom replied. He steered the boat towards the shore and tied it to a low-hanging branch.
    ‘One of us should stand guard,’ Sebastian said, lifting his head from his arm.
    ‘Fergus will,’ Tom said. Fergus’s ears pricked up. ‘Fergus, guard,’ Tom added.
    ‘Good dog,’ Elanor murmured.
    The wolfhound’s tail thumped in response.
    ‘All right then. Just for a minute or two.’ Sebastian lay down again, his arm flung across his eyes.
    The only sound was the lap, lap, lap of the river against the boat’s wooden sides. Fergus

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