NFH 02 Perfection
and ate his lunch. Zoe couldn't cook to save her life but she could
make a damn good sandwich. He was having some of the guys over
after work to watch the game. He'd planned on having her order
pizza for him, but maybe instead he'd have her run out and buy deli
meat so she could make them a platter of sandwiches. Then again he
might just have her do both, he thought with a smile. It was damn
nice to have someone at his beck and call, he thought with a
content sigh.
    "Hey, David, I think that's her now!"
one of the guys announced.
    He watched with bored interest as Zoe
hurried past the large dumpsters while hugging a large stack of
folders in her arms. She headed towards the office, but was cut off
by David.
    "Where the hell have you been?" he
demanded, getting in her face.
    Since it had nothing to do with him he
blocked out their conversation and focused his attention back to
the problem at hand. Should he just go ahead and eat the cake
snacks Zoe packed now or wait for his afternoon break? Such a tough
choice, he decided as he ripped open a chocolate cake package and
devoured the tasty treat. As he ripped into another treat he
resigned himself to sneaking into the office later and stealing
some of the fruit that Zoe kept as backup.
    He really didn't know how she did it.
Two months without decent food was bad enough, but the shit she ate
was downright torture. The diet was working. It was hard not to
notice that, he thought as he looked up from ripping open another
cake snack open to run his eyes over Zoe.
    There was no arguing that she looked
better than she had two months ago. She'd lost about thirty pounds,
but she was still pleasantly rounded, but in a sexy way now. Her
hair was shorter, shoulder length now, making her look less plain.
Actually, with the light tan she was now sporting she actually
looked cute and adorable, not in the cute and adorable sexy way
Haley did, but still cute.
    Just then she turned, giving him her
back as she spoke quietly with the asshole and Trevor found his
eyes dropping to that generous ass that even he had to admit was
drool worthy. There was definitely no arguing with the results, but
that didn't change the fact that he was actually getting a little
worried about her.
    He wasn't a doctor, but he didn't
think the twelve hundred calories she was restricting herself to
daily was healthy, especially since most of the time she didn't
even come close to that limit. It wasn't as if he was counting her
calories, he wasn't, but she kept her diet journal on the kitchen
counter and he made it a point to sneak a peek at it every morning
and what he saw had him seeing red.
    Zoe was starving herself.
    A few times he opened his mouth to
talk to her about it only to end up shutting his mouth. It was none
of his business what she did. If she wanted to survive on twigs and
water that was her business. He had his own shit to deal with and
didn't need to add the problems of his tenant onto the
    "Damn, I was hoping she'd bitch slap
him," one of the men muttered as David stormed away and Zoe walked
into the office.
    "There's always tomorrow," someone
else said wistfully. Trevor didn't care enough to look up from
packing his lunch back up to add to the conversation. It was a moot
point since he really didn't think Zoe would ever have to raise her
hand. With her quick tongue she'd never have to. She'd put any guy
that fucked with her in his place and probably smile while she did
    "Maybe she'll sit on him," Hank
    "Or eat him," Craig said,
    Now that had his attention. He looked up
in time to see several of the guys butting fists and grinning like
idiots over the pretty stupid comments.
    "Real nice, guys," Trevor drawled,
grabbing his empty water bottle.
    "Uh oh, I think we just insulted
Trevor's woman," Hank said, laughing.
    "Knock it off, asshole. You know it's
not like that," Trevor ground out. For the past couple of weeks the
guys had been busting his balls with this bullshit.

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