THE CAPTURE: The Marriage Diaries, Volume 6 (Invitation To Eden)

Free THE CAPTURE: The Marriage Diaries, Volume 6 (Invitation To Eden) by Erika Wilde

Book: THE CAPTURE: The Marriage Diaries, Volume 6 (Invitation To Eden) by Erika Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika Wilde
Tags: Erótica, Romance
he could face-off with his rival. Jillian stood by the sidelines with the rest of the crowd that had gathered, her heart racing in panic. She knew this had to be a prearranged act, but it all felt so very real, especially when Howell charged at Black Heart, his sword pointed directly at his chest.
    Jillian gasped, but Black Heart was quick to deflect the attack and advance upon the other man, setting off a battle of strength and determination between the two men. The sound of steel clashing echoed in Jillian’s ears as they engaged in combat and terror gripped her. Howell was a worthy opponent, but with every slash of the heavy sword, she could see the muscles in Black Heart’s arm flex, until he eventually wore down the other man and over-powered him.
    With a hard, swift, upswing, Black Heart dislodge the sword from Howell’s grasp, sending it scattering across the floor. Without a weapon, the other man stumbled back, tripping on his own feet and falling flat on his ass. His eyes grew wide with fear as Black Heart advanced upon him, until he stood over his sprawled form, intimidating and formidable, and pressed the tip of his blade against Howell’s heart.
    “Do you know why they call me Black Heart?” he asked the man he’d pinned beneath his sword. When Howell shook his head nervously, her pirate rogue grinned treacherously. “Because I carve out the hearts of the men who try and steal what’s mine.”
    Howell swallowed hard, and knowing he’d lost this fight, his gaze turned pleading. “Spare me, please.”
    Black Heart considered his request, and glanced over at Jillian, giving her the choice as to the other man’s fate.
    She was so caught up in the realism of the performance, she blurted out, “Let him live,” before Black Heart changed his mind.
    “He doesn’t deserve your mercy, but very well,” he said, and motioned for two very burly sailors to come forward. “Howell will live, but not pleasantly. Take him away to the rat infested prisons below.”
    “Aye, as you wish,” one of the sailors said, as the two of them restrained Howell and escorted him out of the tavern.
    Jillian’s knees went weak with relief that bloodshed had been avoided. But she had to admit, act or not, it had been exciting and thrilling to watch Black Heart defend her honor and wield that sword with such expertise.
    Black Heart sheathed his sword and strolled back toward Jillian, and the rest of the on-lookers broke out in cheers over his win. She watched her pirate approach, her breath catching in her throat at his sexy swagger and the triumphant gleam in his eyes. Reaching her, he circled an arm around her waist and brought her body flush to his.
    “Is this the part where I swoon?” she couldn’t resist asking playfully. “Because that sword fight was definitely swoon-worthy.”
    He chuckled in amusement, but there was a seriousness in the depths of his gray eyes. “I will always protect you and what’s mine.”
    Not just in this fantasy he’d created, but always . “I know,” she whispered, then he celebrated his victory by claiming her mouth in a hot, tongue-tangling kiss she returned with just as much passion and ardor.
    “Let the festivities resume!” someone in the tavern yelled, and another round of cheers went up from the revelers. “The sweetest, finest rum for the winner!”
    They returned to a vacant settee in a more secluded area of the brothel, where her pirate sat close beside her on the cushioned seat, his hand wrapped once again around the chain leash. A young, pretty girl delivered a ceramic stein of rum, her ample breasts nearly spilling from her low-cut bodice as she deliberately bent over to place it on the side table.
    “This one’s on the house,” she said, batting her lashes at him. “And if there’s anything else you want or need, just let me know. My name’s Nicola.”
    The invitation in her voice was unmistakable, but Black Heart merely gave her a slow, lazy grin as he stroked a

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