Every Bitch Has A Secret

Free Every Bitch Has A Secret by ASHLEY SHAVONNE

Book: Every Bitch Has A Secret by ASHLEY SHAVONNE Read Free Book Online
    “Sorry the number you’ve dialed is no longer in service.” He hung up and called again, getting the same message. His heart started to beat faster. He called Tammy. She sounded half-asleep.
    “Ty what’s wrong?”
    “Madison’s phone is off. How can I get ahold of her?”
    “Nigga is you on drugs?!”
    “Hell naw.”
    “Then why you doin’ this?”
    “Doin’ what?”
    “Ty she’s dead. Don’t play on my phone like this. You were there like everyone else. She was drunk and drove herself off the cliff. Goodbye.” The line went dead in his ear. He threw it into the couch and put his head in his hands.
    “Ty you ok?” Sam appeared next to him.
    “I think I lost my damn mind. Yo ma be straight with me. Is she really gone?”
    “Yes.” She whispered. “We went to her services already. You’ve been walking around in shock the past few days. The doctor said you would come back and realize eventually.”
    “Come back to bed.”
    “I will.” She nodded and went back in the room. Ty started crying in the middle of the room. It’s been years since he cried and he knew he needed to. He had a nervous breakdown and would have to accept the fact that she was gone. It killed him they never made up and she left the world hating him. He should have never told her to leave the house while she was drunk. If he stopped her, she would be alive today. If only he stopped her…
    Tammy pressed the send button on the fax machine. The folders in her arms were heavy but she dare not dropped them. She had a million thoughts in her head and had to focus on what she was doing in front of her. She made the walk up the winding stairs to her boss’ office to deliver this morning transcripts from his meetings. Working at a law firm that represented celebrities during their troubles had its ups and downs. This was a down moment. These past three weeks have been the hardest. This job, the death of her friend, and her noisy new neighbors. She knocked twice then walked in.
    “Dean here. You wanted these.” She set down the folders.
    “Thanks Tammy. I been meaning to ask. How are you doing with your loss?”
    “I’m managing…Dean. Thanks for asking.”
    “If you need any time off just ask. I didn’t expect you to come back to work right away but you did.”
    “If I took off, how would you get anything done without me?” She questioned with her hands on her hips.
    “That’s very true.” He laughed. “But you’re wellbeing is more important. So whenever you need it ask. I mean it Tamela.”
    “Oh real names. You are serious. Okay Dean. I’ll put in for some days.” She walked out the office. Some days off would do her good. Today was the day that they would pack up Madison’s place and sell it. She had been dreading this day. It would really mean admitting that she was gone. It was obvious Ty was having a hard time, calling her like that his morning bugging out. The new girlfriend said he had a breakdown and not to contact him until he got better. Tammy felt she was being funny. Josefina, Ty and herself were each other support throughout this and for her to take him from the equation was wrong. Tammy returned back to her mini office. In the corner on her desk stood a picture of Madison and her on her twenty-first birthday. A picture she would forever cherish now. She got drunk and passed out. It was a fun night and her friend stayed by her side all night even though she had an early call in the morning.
    “Tammy, I’m going to Starbucks. Want something?” Gloria asked from her doorway.
    “No thanks. Watching my intake.”
    “Okay.” Tammy glanced at the clock and saw that it was near noon. She gathered up her bag and endured the thirty minute drive to the townhouse. The door was already opened and Josefina with Ty were

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