Highland Hellcat (2010)

Free Highland Hellcat (2010) by Mary Wine

Book: Highland Hellcat (2010) by Mary Wine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Wine
shove her elbow back into his belly. “I will nae go with ye!” He avoided her blow, but she swung her balled fist down into his groin and felt her hand connect with his soft flesh.
    “Christ Almighty, ye’re nae suited to the life of a nun at all.” His arms opened for a moment as he bent over. Brina made it one long step before a hand hooked into her loose overgown and yanked her back. She stumbled and lost her balance, falling backward.
    Connor rolled onto his back, taking her along with him, and then up rolled up and over her so that her back was against the ground. He lowered enough of his weight to pin her and still her struggles completely. In one short moment, he made her his captive with his greater strength. It was horrifying and terrorizing, because never before had she ever felt so helpless.
    Except for today, when he took her away from her father.
    “That will nae work tonight, lass, but I am sorry to hear the fear in yer voice. I swear I will keep my word about treating ye gently. I will nae force myself on ye, but I will take ye to my land, where I’ll have the time to court ye.”
    He’d lowered his voice and muttered his promise against her ear. She shivered, but Brina wasn’t sure if it was the words or the deep timbre of his voice that made her do so. The scent from his skin surrounded her, filling her senses every time she inhaled, and she realized she liked it.
    How could she?
    She muttered a soft cry and renewed her struggles. There wasn’t much she might do, because she was pinned beneath his greater weight, so she sent her hands toward his face, her fingers curled like talons. She felt her nails sink into his skin. He snarled and arched his neck to escape her attack.
    “I already thought ye had the makings of a hellcat; now I know for sure.”
    Connor pushed up and away from her, but he flipped her over onto her belly and leaned against her back to control her once again. Brina strained against him, welcoming the bite of his harder grip because it drove her enjoyment of his body away.
    “I am nae a… a…” She was gasping for breath, the effort of trying to shove him away from her making her pant.
    “Not a hellcat?” She felt his chest vibrate with his amusement. “Well, ye scratch and hit like one, and that’s a fact.”
    Brina strained again. “Ye’re horrible to call me such a name simply because I will nae crumple at yer feet and weep with defeat.” Her hands were pressed to the ground, and she felt a sizable rock beneath her palm. It sent pain through her hand, but she grasped it and pushed back against Connor with all her might. Her effort gained her a few inches because he wasn’t expecting it. She lifted the rock, then brought it smashing down onto his shin. The soft leather of his knee-high boots did little to shield him from her attack, and he jumped with a low growl.
    “Give me that rope, Shawe.” Connor looped a hard arm across her waist and sent her onto her back once more.
    “I was nae going to tie ye up, Brina, but ye are too much of a hellcat to leave with yer hands free to inflict pain on me.”
    “I’m trying to escape, ye daft man! It is the only decent thing to do. That does nae make me a hellcat.”
    “I can understand how ye think that, lass, but it only makes me surer that what I’m doing is the right course of action to follow. I’ve no taste for a timid woman, and ye have nae the amount of meekness a nun will need to last a lifetime serving the church.”
    “That is my father’s choice, nae yers, Connor Lindsey!”
    She still held the rock, and she sent it toward one of the hands that held her down. He yelped and grabbed her wrist, his strength drawing a startled gasp from her lips, because he had obviously tempered it until now. The rock dropped from her fingers as pain bit into her. The moment she released her weapon, the torment ended, and he leaned down over her until she felt his breath against her lips. She turned her face

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