Holding The Line

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Book: Holding The Line by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
"My late husband originated from the far south, such a lovely accent," she said with a fondness.
    Jared knew he had to trust her, "I need your help. I have a friend who is injured, and coming down with a fever. I need medicine for him, and clean dressings for his wound." She stared at him before answering, "I am afraid under our current leaders such things are hard to come by. He suddenly had the feeling he was being rebuked. After a short time of awkward silence, she spoke again, "Answer me one question. Why are you here?"
    It was an easy question to answer, though giving her the truthful answer could be dangerous. Realising he had now thrown his lot in with this stranger, he answered, "My injured colleague and I, are here undercover. We are to start a number of uprisings, before our armies arrive. Our aim is to aid in driving the Darekian's back all the way over the Ulga Mountains."
    He noticed her look change, from one of dejection and suffering to one with a renewed sense of optimism. "I cannot leave now, come back to this door at midnight, and I will have something for you." She nervously turned around, checking no one was about to enter from the common room, "you must go for now, here take this," she quickly opened a cupboard, and took out a small bottle. She passed it to him, "mix a few drops with water, it should help keep your friends temperature down."
    He thanked her, and pulling his hood back over his head, quietly went back out of the door. He felt a little relieved at the fortuitousness of his meeting. The only thing he needed to do now was to try to navigate his way back down the side alley, through the sea of garbage and back to the house. He quietly moved his way in through the doorway, peering into the blackness within. He lit a small candle from his pack, which gave a little light by which he could make out the dark figure still lying on the floor. He did as he had been instructed and mixed the foul smelling liquid from the bottle with a little water.
    Putting his arm behind Kaden's head, lifting it up, he poured the liquid into his friend's mouth, pausing each time to allow it to be swallowed. After changing the damp cloth for a fresh one, he left him to continue sleeping. He held the candle closer to the wound on the arm, and even in the dim flickering light, he could still see it was more red and inflamed than earlier.
    After snuggling in the corner of the room and attempting a few hours sleep, it was time for him to venture outwards once more. After putting on the cloak, he blew out the candle, sending the room back into complete darkness. The summer night was still warm, and after manoeuvring back around the rear of the inn, he waited. He could hear the faint noise of drunken singing and shouting back out around the front of the building, an indication he hoped, that the patrons were being put out.
    Deciding it best to wait, he hid in a corner, a cloaked shadow, almost invisible in the darkness.  Half an hour passed before he noticed the rear door open, and a figure emerging with a lamp, "Psst! Are you here?" said a woman's voice. He slowly stepped out of the shadows, and dropped his hood, revealing his face. She waved a hand signalling for him to hurry indoors.
    Once inside, she bolted the door, "quick, through here" she ushered him through into the common room, which was now empty. The room was overly warm and stank of rancid stale ale. They then went behind the bar area, and through another door, up a narrow set of stairs and finally stopped outside another. The woman tapped gently, whispering loudly, "I have him here." Jared's first reaction was that of panic, and he quickly pulled his cloak aside, and drew his sword. If this woman had betrayed him to his enemies, he would have no qualms in killing her.
    She quickly stepped back, holding her hands up in a gesture of surrender, "we mean you no harm, please", she said opening the door into a well-lit room. He looked inside to see three men, looking

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