Holding The Line

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Book: Holding The Line by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
just as shocked as the woman did. Realising he may have been over acting he slowly replaced his sword, and stepped into the room.
    He joined the others around a table, and the woman placed down a tray of glasses down upon it. Fetching a decanter from atop a sideboard, she started pouring what Jared assumed brandy. "Please excuse me having startled you sir, these three men I know, and want to help you. My name is Isobel, and this is Lester, Trenton and Alvin." Jared nodded a cautious greeting to each man in turn, before taking a proffered glass. Taking a sip, he almost coughed; such was the strength of the spirit.
    He listened as Isobel explained who the men were. Lester, a large dark haired man with a huge beard was an ex palace guard, that had left the service of King Belin after he had taken to siding with the Darekians. Trenton, a tall thin man in his forties was a medical practitioner and Alvin, a shorter, chubby man, was a shop owner. He wanted them to quickly join him back at the house and help Kaden, but it appeared for now he was stuck here answering questions.
    It was the man known as Lester who asked the first, and as an ex-soldier, it came as no surprise he wanted to know about the army that was to come and save them. Jared guessed it would do no harm in telling the truth and so explained to them of the seven southern lords. He paused and realised these people, trapped inside the walls were probably not even aware of what had gone on. He told them that, as things stood, the entire north of both their nation and that of Corlan was under the control of Darekia. They were stunned when he told them that the great city of Hamalin had been levelled to dust and rubble by some dark magical spell.
    They appeared appeased when he told them of the alliance between the new South Besemia and its neighbour Corlan, who were rebuilding after defeating a much larger Darekian force. They were now currently holding a defensive line, and he further explained, he was there with Kaden, to help the populace of the city prepare and set the groundwork for any future plan to retake Bashek. "Are there many others like you? I am not sure who I can trust." Alvin answered, "I know of a few smaller groups, but I ask you to take care. You may have noticed our own men amongst their guards. It is rumoured that somehow they are controlled by a priest who resides in the palace."
    Jared was becoming a little agitated at the continuous questions, and though he was aware of their need for knowledge, he wanted to go back and help Kaden. "Listen, I need to know, if you want to help then I need you to come and aid my friend. He is much an important part of this as I am." Trenton stood, and after picking up a small bag, "come on, I think I should go and see. We can make a time to meet again in the future."
    Jared slowly made his way back through the darkness, and any concerns he may have had at being spotted out so late were unfounded. Aside from a few sleeping drunks slumped in doorways their route back to the house went unnoticed. On entering, he relit the small candle and pointed to the dark shape on the floor. The two crouched over Kaden and Jared pointed out the wound on his upper arm. Trenton quickly opened his bag and unrolled a sleeve of surgical instruments. Taking a long sharp needle like object, he pierced it into a swollen looking part of the cut. 
    Gently squeezing the wound, Jared felt rather squeamish, as he could see a thick puss ooze out of the cut. Once satisfied no more could be extracted, Trenton rummaged back in his bag, and opened a small jar. He then pasted a pungent smelling cream all over the infected area before covering it up with a clean fresh dressing. "That's the wound sorted, now we need to get him to break this fever," he said putting his hand across his patient's forehead. Removing a small vial, he asked Jared to hold the candle steady, and closer, "I must be careful to only give him a few drops of this. Once I have, it will

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