when it comes to the opposite sex. We think this time will be different when the truth is, this time it’s just a different woman. Nothing more.
    Stomping through my lounge room Beth dresses furiously, so much so you can practically see the steam coming out of her ears. When she done she makes her way to me, and as her parting gesture she slaps me soundly across the face. I’ll let her have that one because she’s pissed, and because I can’t be fucked to deal with anymore drama if I pull her up on it. I just want this done. Over. Finished. I want her out of my house, and out of my life.
    “You are a fucking asshole, Reaper. And mark my words, I’ll make you regret humiliating me like this.”
    Slamming the door behind her Beth walks out leaving me holding back a laugh at her threat. If I took her seriously I would’ve warned her against making an error in judgement threatening me, but the truth is I couldn’t care less, and there’s not a damn thing she could do that would be any worse than anything I’ve already suffered through…Or so I thought.

    How – The Cranberries
                  I may not have thought through the ramifications of calling Boss this morning, and in hindsight it was a colossal fuck up on my part. The last person I want to explain the mess I’ve found myself in is Boss. Okay, maybe not the last because that honour would most definitely go to Emily, but he’s high up on the list of people that will shit a brick when he finds out. Not only that, but there is someone I should have spoken to before I made my impulsive, out of character phone call, but that too was not one I was ready or felt able to make.
    Four weeks is a long time to bite your tongue when you want to spit fire at someone. When you want nothing more than to tell them you hope they get anally violated by a big black man that calls them bitch, and pulls their hair. Now before you get the wrong idea, I’m not usually a violent person, sure, like anyone else I have the occasionally homicidal thought, more often than not whilst driving, but on the whole I’m actually pretty passive.
    In saying that, I’m not a push over. I won’t be bullied. I won’t lay down and take a beating like a good little dog. And I sure as hell will not be used as anyone’s verbal punching bag again. All-in-all you could say that the long fuse I pride myself on has finally reached its end, and lucky Reaper is the one that’s going to be front and centre for the explosion.
    This however is the least of my immediate concerns. First on the list is the three angry bikers that will be barging into my house in less than an hour. Albeit invited, because I’m an idiot, they’ll be demanding answers as soon as they set foot in the door. When they have them the next concern is a crapshoot, it could go one of two ways as far as I see it. Either Diesel will call his mom, Emily, immediately throwing me directly under a very pissed off bus, or I’ll be left to talk down three huge, testosterone laden bikers that will want to tear someone apart with their bare hands. I’m hoping it’s one of those two options, and not both because I can only handle one thing at a time. And if they distract me with having to talk Emily down it will leave them free to go after their number one target, and that will not be pretty. Actually I can imagine it will be downright scary.
    But scary is the name of the game, and my final concern, which is what the hell am I going to do now is gradually making its way up the list to number one, consuming everything else in its path. What is the problem you ask?
    Simple. I, Adelyn Pippa London, am a fucking moron. I was more worried about getting the man I’ve fantasised about, dreamed of, and coveted in my bed than telling him it was essential to wrap his junk. Yes, you heard me right. I didn’t insist on using condoms, and to be honest I was too wrapped up in the

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