Kat Fight

Free Kat Fight by Dina Silver

Book: Kat Fight by Dina Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina Silver
Tags: Romance
basically pretended like nothing had happened, besides the fact that he’d moved out, found himself a girlfriend with a four-year-old son, and only spoke to Megan and me if we called him.
    Over the years, Megan has become notorious for giving me the best advice, so I’m looking forward to filling her in on all that’s happening with me. When it comes to my love life she usually has a clear read on things, and she was devastated when Marc and I broke up because she too assumed we were destined for marriage. She also knew how crushed I was. Sometimes she can be too judgmental and stubborn to a fault, but I’ve come to realize that she doesn’t just “like to be right.” She truly believes that her ideas are in the best interest of everyone else, which is not always the case, but at least there are good intentions at the root. When my parents divorced, Megan got angry and I got sad. She’s very much a straight shooter and doesn’t mince words too often. She studied journalism in college and worked as a news writer for many years before taking time off recently to have Miles. Lately she’s been calling me at the office more than usual to see if I can meet her for lunch. I think she’s desperately bored at home and has trouble relating to Elmo and Friends. Much like me, she always wanted to get married and start a family, but since realizing her goals, she’s had a hard time adjusting to the perils of being a stay-at-home mom. She and Henry met on an assignment one day; he is a field producer at one of the local networks, and the rest is newsroom history. They’ve always had a great relationship, and I hardly ever see them argue, or even bicker. Henry is very low-key and very much a homebody. If he never had to leave his house he’d be perfectly happy. And if Megan would sit there with him and never leave either, he’d be even happier.
    “This is Kat,” I answer the phone. Brooke insists I answer every call this way at work, even though we have caller ID on all the phones.
    “It’s me. Can you still do lunch today?” my sister asks.
    “Yes, does twelve thirty work for you?”
    “Sure, how about Corner Bakery,” she suggests.
    “Sounds great. I’m looking forward to it.”
    If I hint that I have something to tell her, she will never let me get off the phone until I do, thus ruining my fun lunch conversation. I’m really excited to hear her perspective on the soap opera that has become my life, and I know she’ll be eager to advise.
    Unlike me, Megan is always early, so it’s no surprise to see her seated and halfway through her salad when I arrive five minutes late.
    “Hi, little man!” I run over to greet Miles. “He’s more gorgeous every time I see him,” I say to Megan. “And I’m sorry, but I hope he never grows any hair. I love the peach fuzz look.” I smile and give Megan a kiss on the head. “You look exhausted.”
    “I have this guy to thank for that. He’s waking up at five thirty a.m. these days, and secretly trying to destroy me.” She yawns.
    “That sucks,” I say and then turn to Miles. “Why are you doing this to mommy? What’s up with that little man?” He freezes and stares at me, then he smiles at our one-sided conversation.
    Megan rubs her temples. “Well, I hate to start venting before you’ve ordered your cheddar broccoli soup,” she says. “But, I’m just so annoyed with him lately. He’s like a different person sometimes and I’ve simply had it. I’m at my wit’s end.”
    “For God’s sake, Kat, not Miles… Henry.”
    “Oh, sorry, you hadn’t…” I start to apologize but she interrupts me.
    “He’s become totally useless, and it’s really making me nuts,” she says. “It’s like he’s paralyzed when it comes to helping me with the baby.”
    “Well, aren’t most guys?” I ask as I’m beginning to realize this lunch date isn’t going to be as “Kat-centric” as I’d hoped.
    “No, I mean, I don’t know? Listen to this,

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