Unexpected Angel

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Book: Unexpected Angel by Patrick McGhee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick McGhee
commitments.  If I do, I will be there anyway.  See you at seven.”
    Tony left the bay and walked toward the waiting area.  He could see Wally looking through the observation window.  He remembered the promise.  He was supposed to spend the night with Wally.  They were going to do the ritual with the bath and the beach towel, like they had discussed on the jail visit. Tony pondered about how sensual that would be.  Wally is very good with his hands. I can almost feel them now.
    Tony took a deep breath.  Wally will have to wait. I have an appointment for an evening with a hot young stud. He latched on to something he remembered from a lecture.  When opportunities present themselves, people have to rise to the occasion and grab onto what is rightfully theirs.  That’s it. I am going to do some rising and grabbing this evening.  Oh, man!  I bet Wally would do the same thing if he had the chance, wouldn’t he? . .  No, he really wouldn’t.  He would be there to wrap me in the beach towel and pat me dry as he promised . . . Oh, Wally, I hope you understand. I hope you forgive me. 
                  Wally and Tony stood in the waiting room until the technician finished. Wally said playfully, “Remember, you are supposed to stay over at my place tonight.  It’s going to be a special celebration, just for you.
    “Yes, I can’t wait.  Hmm!”  Tony replied.
    Wally admonished Tony, “Don’t forget me like you did last night.”
    “Sure thing.  I will be there.  By the way, thank you so much for the tires.”
    The technician walked into the waiting room.  “All done,” he said.  “Which one of you gets the keys.”
    Tony stretched out his hand to receive the keys.  He moistened his lips.  The technician did the same.  They both smiled.
    Wally drove off with a smile on his face, hamming it up with his own version of a song he knew, I’m gonna wash that jail right off of my man.
    As Tony drove off, he had trouble swallowing the lump in his throat.  There was not going to be a symbolic and sensual episode with Wally bathing him and then wrapping him in a beach towel for a sensual pat down.  They wouldn’t be spending the night together in the double bed.  Tony had made it all up to control Wally and his wallet.   Instead, Tony would deliberately disappoint the man who loved him.  Oh, well, he thought. Stuff happens.  He’ll get over it.

Chapter 12
    As Wally crossed the parking lot at Walmart, his steps had a certain zing, a bounce set to the music in his heart.  Tony was coming to spend the night.  Things were going to change.  Tony was coming tonight.  No more broken promises.  No more waiting. No more tears.  No more saddened heart.  Tony was coming.  Wally hummed snappy tunes.  He whistled softly.  He smiled at folks he had never seen.  He greeted people he had never met.  The world was playing a symphony.  Everything danced.  The air came alive with lusty Latin rhythms.  Colors were brighter.  Smells were sweeter.  Tony was coming tonight.
    Wally smiled a warm, happy smile at the greeter.  She must have been close to seventy.  Wally wondered if her smile was forced, or if she was actually as happy as her face projected.  Did she have someone special in her life?  Or, had she learned to smile in spite of that?  Wally had learned to do both.  Tonight, for a change, he would have someone special.  Tony was coming.  The rhythm of that phrase, that thought, waltzed through his head.  Then it jitterbugged and tangoed.
    No pizza for them tonight.  Wally didn’t like pizza; he didn’t even like cheese.  Yes, he was one of those people. Strange indeed.  He loved everything Italian--the actresses, the sports cars, the leaning tower of Pisa, Michelangelo’s David , even the sound of the language–everything Italian, except cheese.  It didn’t matter.  Tony knew all about it.  So . . . Wally swaggered and smiled and breathed to

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