Unexpected Angel

Free Unexpected Angel by Patrick McGhee

Book: Unexpected Angel by Patrick McGhee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick McGhee
turned away from the scene.
    Dorinda continued,  “Right now, they’re face to face, talking . . .Oh, I remember the Italian fellow’s name.  It’s Gianni . . .Gianni Pomodoro.  Ain’t he handsome?  Lord sakes, he could melt my heart like butter in a frying pan. Anyway, his family owns warehouses, all over the southeast,  and a fleet of trucks. Nobody knows what they store or what they haul.  They’re rolling in money, I tell you.”  Dorinda’s mouth flew open.  She gasped.  “My Lord, what people won’t do in public.”
    Wally turned to see Tony and Gianni standing between two vending machines, out of the line of people walking by.  They were embracing.  Wally was flabbergasted as the drama unfolded, a bit more, and Tony’s lips met Gianni’s in a lingering kiss. Damn, he thought.  Just like what he did to me on April 12.  The scene climaxed with Gianni fishing a wad of bills from somewhere inside his suit jacket.  Tony brushed his hand across the front of Gianni’s pants.   Gianni handed Tony the money, then kissed him lightly on the cheek and left the mall.
    As soon as Gianni was out of sight, Tony ambled over to the coffee shop.  When he saw Wally and Dorinda, he greeted them politely.  Dorinda, seeing this as a chance to give Wally and Tony time to talk, moved her chair back from the table.   “I’ve really got to be on my way.  My sister and I are going to some yard sales.  That’s why I took a day off from work” Motioning to Tony, she said,  “Tony, why don’t you sit here and visit with Wally.”  Dorinda left.
    After Tony sat down, he looked at Wally.  “How did she know my name?  I don’t remember ever meeting her.”
    Wally responded,  “Oh, but I introduced the two of you at a concert last summer.  That was the last time you and I went out together.  She has a good memory for people and faces.  I’m terrible at that.”
    “Me, too,” said Tony.  He didn’t order coffee.  He opted for a soda. “Wally, have you forgot about the tires for my car?  We were supposed to meet, this morning, at Tilley’s Discount Tires on Harper Drive.”
    Defending himself, Wally said, “You never told me what time.  I didn’t hear from you this morning.  I wasn’t about to stay home all day or go down to Tilley’s and wait for hours.” 
    “Well,” said Tony.  “I was detained by important business.  I tried to call.  You didn’t answer.”
    Wally knew, all too well, what kind of business this was.  He looked at a plastic knife and fork Dorinda had used to divide a large sugar cookie.  He thought, just for one minute, I’d wish for this fork to be a pitchfork.  I’d fix that lying so-and-so.  I do believe I am in love with a gigolo.  Is there anything Tony won’t do for money?  Wally looked at Tony, “You won’t have trouble reaching me next time.  I’ve got a cell phone!”

Chapter 11
    Tony’s car was parked two rows over from Wally’s.  They were able to leave the mall parking lot at the same time.  As Wally followed Tony to Aaron Tilley’s Discount Tire Center on Harper Drive, he kept thinking, I wonder how much this will cost me. 
    When they reached Tilley’s, they parked in front of the building.  Wally got out of his car.  He walked over to Tony who was rolling down his window.  Tony said, “You go inside and tell them that you’re going to get me some new tires.  Tell them you are my uncle and you’re going to pay for the tires with your credit card.  You have enough credit on the card, don’t you?”
    In reply to Tony, Wally popped a question he had been wanting to ask for several weeks.  “Are you ashamed of me, Tony?  It seems like you don’t want people to see us together.”
    Tony replied, “If we are together too much, someone in this town is going to tell my mom that you are buying me things to win me over to your side.”
    “My side?” snapped Wally.  “You make it sound like being gay is some weird,

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