Eden's Root
alive, despite his worsening condition. Mike was impressed when she’d told him about ‘bullshitting’ Margie and Ross to wrangle training in the use of the bow.
    “Tell me all about it,” he asked and patted the bed next to his legs. Fi hopped up onto his bed and snuggled next to him, being careful of his various IVs and cords. She lay in the crook of his arm and told him about trying out the gun and realizing she’d needed a different one. She described her heist, including the ammunition.
    “It was actually really easy Papa,” she said with enthusiasm. “I mean these people believe whatever I say and they just leave me alone with all their stuff.” She also told him about her successful gunshot. “I was shocked,” she admitted. “I didn’t expect to even feel like I could fire it at all, let alone actually hit something. But I just closed off my fear and pretended I was in a movie and fired. I had read how you had to squeeze evenly and then sort of let the gun fire when it does.” She went on, lost in her thoughts. “That wasn’t so different from the bow release actually. So maybe I shouldn’t have been shocked…that I turned out to be good at it.” Her father laughed into her hair, the sudden exhale ruffling it.
    “Aaaaah Fi,” he said. “Thank goodness you’re so good at everything you try,” he laughed.
    “That’s not true,” she objected. “What about every time that you tried to help me with my Algebra homework and I ended up a teary, snotty, wreck?”
    He smiled and rubbed her shoulder. “That’s true,” he agreed. “If algebraic equations are required knowledge for your future survival…” he said ominously, with a wicked smile.
    She poked him, “Hey,” she joked. “As an adult and future survivor, I take offense!” He reached to poke her back, knowing it would tickle her. “No,” she said, trying to block his hand. They play wrestled for a second and then Mike suddenly was seized by a paroxysm of coughing. As she’d done a hundred times already, Fi slid out of his bed and grabbed his water and brought it to him. His slight frame was doubled over with wracking coughs and Fi’s heart pounded. Despite her fear, she stepped closer and rubbed his back.
    “It’s ok Papa, breathe slowly. It’s going to be ok.” He started drawing breath more slowly and the coughing stopped. He sat up and lay back on his pillow, reaching a thin hand for the cup of water beside him.
    “I’m sorry Fi,” he apologized. “I didn’t want to frighten you.”
    “Shhhhhhh,” she responded. “Don’t worry. Why don’t we take a break and then get started talking about next steps for me?” Fi left briefly to get a bottle of water from the vending machine and use the bathroom. When she returned, her father looked calm.
    He smiled as she entered. “So let’s get to the next step, since your debut into the world of hunting is going so well,” he said. “It’s time to focus on gathering.”
    “More sources of Truefood,” she grinned. Curled up on her cot next to her father’s bed, Fi paged through the pile of Field Guides in her backpack. “So I have to use these paper ones because my tablet may no longer be available?” Mike nodded in confirmation.
    “That’s why I want you to have my paper journal too. I know your tablet is easier, but if electricity is interrupted then your mobile devices may no longer work. Even the internet may no longer be available.”
    Fi sucked in thinking about that. She couldn’t imagine it. The Internet had been there her whole life, a never-ending source of information and answers. Her father had told her about his childhood, how when he was young, so was the Internet. Even he didn’t really know how to function without it.
    Her father reached for the book about edible mushrooms and Fi handed it to him. That one was already a bit worn because Mike, as an official ‘foodie’ had decided one summer to tromp through the woods looking for mushrooms. Some

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