
Free Dangerous by Suzannah Daniels

Book: Dangerous by Suzannah Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzannah Daniels
Tags: Young Adult
immediately sat in Chance’s seat and put his arm around me. “Hey, babe,” he greeted before giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. He pulled back just enough to gaze into my eyes and whisper, “You look amazing as always.”
    I blushed and lowered my lashes, breaking his entrancing stare.
    “Where’s Mike?” Crimson asked.
    “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him today,” Stone answered. “I’m surprised he’s not here.” Stone gazed around the restaurant.
    “I had a lot of fun riding with him the other night,” Crimson continued.
    “He had a good time, too,” Stone replied. “I didn’t think he was ever going to shut up about it. You should give him a call.”
    Crimson’s perfectly sculpted lips curved into a smile. “Maybe I will. Do you have his number?”
    Stone pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and pulled up Mike’s number. He slowly gave the number to Crimson while she typed it in her contact list. Her thumbs worked wildly while she typed a message out to Mike.
    A few seconds later, her phone dinged with a reply. She squealed. “He’s in the parking lot. Said he’d be inside in a minute.”
    I watched her as she kept her eyes glued to the entrance, which was a few booths behind me. When she started waving wildly, I knew he had entered the building.
    She ordered Scarlet to squeeze into the wall, so that she could make room for Mike to sit on the edge of the booth seat.
    Stone and Mike bumped fists across the table.
    “Hey, bro. You ride your bike tonight?” Stone asked.
    “Yep.” Mike turned his attention to Crimson. “I was hoping you’d go for another ride with me.”
    I thought Crimson was going to melt into a puddle on the floor.
    “I was hoping you’d ask me to,” she replied.
    “Let’s go,” he said, standing up and offering her his hand.
    “How about you, Dara?” Stone asked. “You want to go?”
    “Yes, Dara,” Crimson urged in a high-pitched voice. “You’ve gotta come with.”
    I looked at Scarlet. “Are you going to be okay by yourself?” I asked, worried that she would feel abandoned if we all up and left.
    “Of course. Go have fun. Besides, Chance is coming back with my shake right now. I imagine that he could use some company, too.”
    Stone stood and pulled me to my feet as Chance arrived at the table.
    Stone glared at him. “Come on, Dara. Let’s go.”
    I gazed at Chance, and his eyes were on me. “See you later, Chance.”
    He nodded his head, unsmiling, and sat down in the booth across from Scarlet, pushing her strawberry shake towards her.
    Stone’s hand was on the small of my back, pushing me gently toward the exit.
    As we walked to his motorcycle, I gazed back at the restaurant. Bright light poured through the plate glass windows, spilling into the darkness. I could see Chance sitting across from Scarlet. She was laughing and motioning with her hands, no doubt entertaining him so that I would be all but forgotten. I knew that I had told him that our separation was for the best, but as I gazed at his profile, part of me wondered if I had made the right decision.
    I clung to Stone, my arms wrapped tightly around his lean, muscular body, as he rocketed into the darkness. I had no idea where we were going. He had spoken to Mike, but my mind had been sifting through its own thoughts, and their words had escaped me. I really liked Stone. In all honesty, I would’ve hopped on and ridden with him anywhere. That’s what scared me. Although I wasn’t necessarily a meticulous planner, I did typically try to make sure my actions would lead me to my end goal. But with Stone, things were different. When he was near, he consumed me. Everything else was shoved on the back burner, and I had difficulty even remembering what those things were. He accelerated up the mountain, and I tightened my grip, in awe of his rock-hard abs beneath my fingertips. I basked in his masculinity.
    When he slowed down, I started paying more attention to my surroundings. He

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