Ruin and Rise

Free Ruin and Rise by Sam Crescent, Jenika Snow

Book: Ruin and Rise by Sam Crescent, Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent, Jenika Snow
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
taking the glass from him, taking a sip. “It’s delicious.”
    “See, I can do something with my time.” He climbed into bed beside her, running his hand across her stomach. “Our little guy causing you some trouble?”
    “He wants milkshakes and anchovies, which is weird. I don’t even like anchovies, eww.”
    Shakes chuckled. “We’re going to be amazing parents.”
    “Do you really think so?”
    “I know so. We’re going to be amazing, and we’re going to love our kid no matter what.”
    Dani smiled, and from that smile alone, Shakes knew he was going to get a good fuck tonight.

    Three weeks later
    “I look fat,” Dani said, complaining her ass off for the hundredth time as Shakes pulled the car into the Soldiers of Wrath clubhouse parking lot.
    “No, you don’t. You’re not even showing.” The last couple of weeks he’d been busy locating all the shit that he needed to give to Demon. It hadn’t been hard to do but Zeke hadn’t just wanted to know where Alessandra was taken from, and the men involved. He’d wanted to know everything.
    Shakes wasn’t a miracle worker and he’d needed time to collect everything.
    “Look, Deanna is further along, and she’s not complaining.”
    “You’ve not even seen her yet. For all you know, she could be complaining.” He unbuckled his seatbelt, climbed out of the car, and rounded the vehicle to her side.
    “I don’t care about her, baby. I love you, and I’m telling you, you’re beautiful.” He took her hand, helping her out of the their car. Before they made their way toward the group of bikers, he grabbed the envelope with information. He could have gone straight to Zeke, but he didn’t see the point. Demon asked for the information, and it was up to him to pass it on to Zeke.
    Wrapping his arm around Dani’s back, he walked with her toward the men who were his brothers. His ink was blacked out, and he didn’t ride with them, but they were his brothers. What had started out as pure selfish need on his part to have Dani had, in fact, been the biggest and best turning point in his life. He loved Dani, he loved his life, and soon, he was going to love his child.
    Demon and the guys turned toward them. It was the first time Dani had been to the clubhouse since they’d gotten married.
    “Daniella, welcome to the family,” Demon said, giving her a hug. They were both embraced as friends and family to the club.
    He didn’t see how it could get any better than that.

Enjoy a sneak peek of Zeke’s Rule , the first book in a Soldiers of Wrath dark romance spin-off series, coming fall 2015.

    H er breath left her, her heart raced, and her palms were sweating. She couldn’t take her eyes off Zeke. He disgusted her, scared her, but even all of that couldn’t stop the sick, demented part of her that found the power he emitted arousing. She looked away, unable to watch what he was doing to the woman.
    “You’ll fucking watch me, Alessandra,” he ground out, sounding out of breath. This wasn’t about him or Bella, she knew that, had heard Zeke tell her enough times. This was about Alessandra…this was for Alessandra.
    “I won’t fuck her, Alessandra. You’re mine now, and that means I own your body, that you are the only one I crave.” He was breathing harder. “This is for your pleasure, for your titillation.”
    He was giving Alessandra this visual ecstasy; she knew that with every part of herself.
    Alessandra shook, the chains rattling, her entire body feeling as though it had a mind of its own. She lifted her head, stared at Zeke, and saw the sadistic glow in his eyes, the pain, and pleasure that came from him and slammed into her.
    She’d wanted to be here, wanted to be chained, at his mercy. She just wasn’t allowing herself to fully understand that, to fully accept that. She would though.
    Zeke turned back around to face the woman he was whipping. She was chained up, her arms above her head, her body naked except for the tiny pair

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