Two Nights with His Bride

Free Two Nights with His Bride by Kat Latham

Book: Two Nights with His Bride by Kat Latham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Latham
Tags: Fiction, Romance
wasn’t me. That’s why I’m here. I’m worried about you, Bunny. You always make sensible decisions, so I’m wondering whether your so-called friends have coerced you into something you’re not comfortable with.”
    He raised his brows inexpectation, as if to say, I’m feeding you the right answer and you just have to repeat after me so I can issue the press release.
    Whether it was her natural perversity or a complete lack of knowing what was good for her, she lied a little to defend her friends. “They haven’t coerced me into anything. This trip was a surprise, but as soon as they told me why they’d chosen rafting and camping,I thought it was a fantastic idea. Perfectly perfect and exactly what I wanted to do.”
    Ask me why. Go on and show me you want to know.
    “Okay, but they still surprised you. You showed up and had no idea there would be a man on the trip, right?”
    She bit the inside of her lip to keep from snapping at him. Losing her temper would just make things worse, especially with an audience. Later they coulddiscuss this issue like reasonable adults who loved each other and wanted the best for each other. But for now… Sometimes ignoring his comments was the best tactic. “Coffee?”
    He grinned and patted her butt. “You’re adorable. Better make it a double. I’ll need a lot of energy to keep up with you girls on the raft today.”
    She stilled. For some reason it hadn’t occurred to her that he expectedto join them, but of course he wouldn’t have come all this way just to turn around and go home. She focused on pouring the coffee into a mug and tried to sound casual as she asked, “So how did you know where to find us?”
    “Not too difficult. Polly Puffy-Brain—”
    “Please don’t call her that.”
    He laughed. “Oh, come on. She’s hardly a candidate for Mensa. Case in point, she has GPS set up on herphone, and it embeds the location in photos. She should probably change that. Lot of creepy men out there who could use the information inappropriately.”
    “You don’t say,” Wyatt muttered.
    “Here’s your coffee.” Nancy thrust the mug at Jared and fought to keep her smile happy, not panicked.
    What the hell does she see in this guy?
    Okay, he’d been famouslonger than Wyatt had been alive. And he’d been named the Sexiest Man Alive three times. And he probably shat gold.
    But no amount of polishing could put a shine on the fact that he’d not only crashed his fiancée’s party but openly admitted stalking her to do it.
    You just don’t fucking do that.
    But Nancy was a grown-up who could make her own choices, even if Wyatt disagreed with them. So hetried to tune out the awkward conversation she and Mr. Hollywood were having as he stoked the fire and prepared porridge for his guests. With every passing moment, he grew more desperate for the other three women to wake up and save him from being the third wheel in a situation he wanted no part of, but they appeared to be attempting a world record for sleeping in.
    He glanced at his watch. Seven-thirtyin the morning. Who slept that late?
    Hollywood starlets, apparently.
    “Um, Wyatt?” Nancy’s voice sounded more tentative than he’d ever heard it, and he wanted to ask her where she’d lost the attitude she’d always given him.
    But he couldn’t, not without tacitly criticizing her, and he wouldn’t do that in front of her fiancé or anyone else. So he kept it simple. “Yeah?”
    “We’re just going to gofor a little walk.”
    Jared gave him an I’m-getting-lucky wink, and Wyatt had to resist the urge to hit him. “Be back by eight-thirty so we can get going.”
    She nodded and walked away in the possessive embrace of Jared’s arm.
    The campsite turned quiet once they left, the forest gradually echoing with the sounds of Mother Nature waking up. He tried to focus on the tasks at hand, but annoyance burneda hole in his gut. What did he care if they sneaked away for a quickie? Wyatt had led plenty of

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