The Lavender Garden

Free The Lavender Garden by Lucinda Riley

Book: The Lavender Garden by Lucinda Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucinda Riley
Tags: General Fiction
suddenly. “Why are you helping me?”
    “What a strange question. I suppose it’s because I like you and I can see you’re having a hard time. Besides, I’m sure Grandmother Constance would expect nothing less of me for her friend Édouard’s daughter. Now, do you want to speak to the chap in Paris who’s been suggested to come and value the Matisse, or shall I?”
    Emilie was feeling sick after a breakfast she hadn’t wanted. “Perhaps it’s best if you do it, as you can talk the language he’ll understand.”
    “Right. I’d also suggest he value the other paintings in the château while he’s here. It’s never a bad idea to get two or three estimates anyway.”
    “Yes. And then there’s the art in the Paris house, which I must also have valued.”
    “When will you return to Paris?”
    “Soon.” She sighed. “But you’re right, while I’m here it’s good to do as many things as I can. If I decide to keep the château, it will be only the beginning.”
    “You think you might keep it?”
    “Yes. Although if I can forget to lock the back door, perhaps it’s stupid of me to consider taking on a project which would be a challenge for anyone.”
    “Well, just know I’ll be happy to do anything I can.”
    “It’s very kind of you and I’m grateful.” Frou-Frou whined at the kitchen door to be let out. Emilie stood up and opened it for her. “Surely you must have your own life to lead?”
    “I do, but as beautiful paintings happen to be my passion, it’s not exactly a hardship. Now, what about the library? Would you like me to investigate a good rare books’ expert to come and take a look at the collection?”
    “No, thanks,” said Emilie quickly, her head spinning, “there’s no urgency as I’ll never sell the books. I must call Gerard, my notaire . He left me three messages yesterday afternoon, but I didn’t get back to him.”
    “While you do that, I’m going to nip back to my gîte for a change of clothes and a shower. I’ll see you later. And don’t forget, the locksmith will be here any minute.”
    “Thank you, Sebastian.”
    •  •  •
    Having shown the locksmith to the front door and left him to it, Emilie did at least manage to get a shiver of satisfaction as she called Gerard and told him she had things under control at the château. She arranged to meet him in Paris next week at her parents’ house, checked the locksmith’s progress, and walked into the library, needing to feel the calmness of its atmosphere. Wandering around the shelves, Emilie ruminated on what a huge job it would be to put the thousands of books into storage if she decided to either sell or renovate the château.
    She noticed two of the books were standing proud of the otherson the shelf. She pulled them out and saw that they were books on the cultivation of trees. Pushing them neatly back into line, she walked into the kitchen as she heard Sebastian’s car approaching across the gravel.
    He burst through the back door, panting. “Emilie! I tried to call you!” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m afraid I just found your little dog lying on the side of the road. She’s very badly injured and we need to get her to a vet immediately. I’ve got her on the backseat of the car. Come on, let’s go.”
    Horrified, Emilie ran out with Sebastian to the car, climbing in beside a bleeding and barely breathing Frou-Frou. Sebastian drove at speed, heading for the vet she’d told him had a practice in La Croix Valmer, ten minutes’ drive away. Tears dripped down Emilie’s cheeks as she stroked the lifeless Frou-Frou on her knee.
    “I let her out this morning,” she sobbed, “then the locksmith arrived and I forgot to call her back in. She doesn’t usually stray, but maybe she was following your car . . . and once she was on the road, she’s blind and wouldn’t have been able to see anything coming. . . . Oh, God! How could I have forgotten!”
    “Emilie, Emilie, try and keep calm.

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