Lara and the City of Angels

Free Lara and the City of Angels by Elle Chardou

Book: Lara and the City of Angels by Elle Chardou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Chardou
he can’t show it to me physically and either he can’t or he won’t.”
    “I’m sorry.” Elin sighed. “I can hear your voice breaking and the last thing I wanted to do to you is upset you. I know you have a shoot tonight so I will let you go but…promise me you won’t tell this to any of our friends. I know how to keep a secret but I fear Bijoux might go blathering her mouth back to your husband. Those two are close and she’s always liked him a bit more than she cares for you so…”
    “There goes our leak. I called her after I called you and Nina so how the hell did he find out so quickly? Nina is a lot of things but when it comes to personal affairs, she keeps anything you tell her in confidence close to the chest. It had to be Bijoux.”
    “Well, my older sister always used to tell me ‘the best sense is bought sense’ and now you know who not to trust. I thought it would be obvious as this is the second film she is working on with your husband—you can’t trust her and don’t delude yourself into thinking you can.”
    “Thanks, Elin. I gotta go.”
    Lara ended the call and turned off the bathroom light before she walked through her bedroom and almost ran head-on into Kristian.
    “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. When you didn’t answer your door, I used the extra key. Are you okay? You’re pale as a sheet.”
    She knew it was wrong but she couldn’t help herself as she embraced him. He slipped his arms around her waist and held her closer.
    “You’re completely frazzled and you’re shaking like a leaf too. What the hell happened between our coffee date and now?”
    “I got tired of Sean and all his mood swings and his controlling behavior. I left him. I’m filing the divorce paperwork tomorrow.”
    Kristian let go of her and held her at arm’s length. “I didn’t cause this, did I? Don’t get me wrong, I am attracted to you…I have been from the first time we met but I would have never crossed those boundaries. It just wouldn’t seem fair. I don’t know your husband and he seems like a great guy but…there is just so much sadness in you and I would love to see those intriguing green eyes light up and for you to be happy for once—am I out of line with that comment?”
    Lara shook her head. “No, it wasn’t you exactly but you were the last straw. You’re so good to me and you treat me like gold. I feel so lucky to be with you and…I just hope what ever you and Julie had is truly over because…I would feel like shit if I stepped into an unfinished relationship and ruined any chance you two had of getting back together.”
    Kristian laughed at this. “There is absolutely no chance of that happening, honey. Julie dates Kent Renoir—you know, he plays—”
    “Tim Cadeaux, the rich yet elusive shape-shifter, yeah, I know.”
    “Anyway, Julie is great but she and I weren’t meant to be. We make better friends than lovers and she’s still one of my most trusted confidantes. I told her about my attraction to you the day after you arrived. Her response was we would make a great couple if you weren’t already married.”
    Lara couldn’t help herself as she touched Kristian’s handsome face. “I would hope I can safely confide in you but…not now. We’re going to be late and I don’t want either one of us to put our jobs in jeopardy.”
    “We have all the time in the world, sweetheart. We’ll get this over with and come back here for a nightcap. Just conversation and maybe a glass of wine or two—it will be a completely relaxing night so you can tell me what ever it is you need to get off your chest. I have a couple cases of Pinot Grigio from California I have been dying to open so I will bring over a couple of bottles I’ve had chilling in my fridge. How’s that for a plan?”
    “That sounds perfect.”
    They stood there for a few moments drinking one another in and Lara realized she hadn’t wanted a man as much as she desired Kristian in a very long time. He was

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