Cherry Girl (Blackstone Affair)

Free Cherry Girl (Blackstone Affair) by Raine Miller

Book: Cherry Girl (Blackstone Affair) by Raine Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raine Miller
and naked, and wanting me to make love to her for the first time.  Nothing else existed.
    I prayed I would never forget how she looked to me in this moment, and I made a vow not to allow it to happen.
    My body screamed with the need to kiss every beautiful part of her but that would take hours to do properly and I couldn’t wait hours.  Hell, I couldn’t even wait seconds.  That train had blown through town already with no waiting, no stopping, and no changing.
    But , Elaina didn’t seem like she wanted things to be any different.
    Christ, she’s so perfect…
    I’m not sure how exactly , but I maneuvered us to the bed with Elaina laid out like a goddess upon it, my window fantasy but a distant memory, as I sat back on my knees and tried to decide where to go first.  She had a body that took my breath away, and I planned on touching every bit of it, the need to know how she felt under my hands and mouth as necessary as breathing.
    “What is it?” she asked.
    “You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous I hardly know where to begin.”
    “Kiss me. ”  She arched her whole body, offering herself up in the most beautiful way I lost the ability for coherent speech.  The point was moot anyway as my mouth got busy in ways other than talking.
    I slid my hands over her slowly, beginning at her throat and moving down, learning her soft curves, feeling her reaction to my hands on her, listening to the sounds she made because of what I did with them.
    When my mouth found its way to her breasts again, I slowed the pace, devoting some time to getting to know them intimately.  I took the whole tip of one into my mouth and sucked, rolling the nipple with my tongue and grazing with my teeth.  She cried out softly, arching toward me even more.  Her beautiful tits were very sensitive apparently, and this was precisely the kind of knowledge I desired to know about my girl.
    I focused my attentions onto her other breast, holding its soft weight in my hand while suckling with my mouth, nipping the hard-budded nipple gently with my teeth.  I got some beautiful sounds out of her for that effort, and I made a mental note of it for the future.  Sexy sounds of submission and the acceptance of my touch, allowing me to take what she was willingly giving to me.
    I sucked and licked and worked my way around both of her breasts.  I put so many love bites on her, that I couldn’t count how many when I finally stopped and looked over my handiwork.  Just claiming what was mine.
    A nd, I wasn’t a bit sorry about marring the perfectness of her skin either.  The marks I’d made with my mouth were symbols of what she meant to me, a tangible display of what we’d shared, and for our eyes only, to remember what we’d done on our first time together. 
    I needed so much more than that from her though.
    My hand moved lower to skim over her flat belly.  I heard the soft intake of breath, and felt a jerk when I covered her lips with mine at the same time my hand delved between her legs.  My fingers touched perfection—felt how soft she was there, how wet, how ready for me.
    “ Ohhh, Neil,” she moaned under my lips, “I want—I need—I—please—”
    She sounded blissfully frustrated and I loved it because I was the one causing her to be that way.  And , I held the power to fix it for her too.  Bloody perfect position for me to be in as well.
    “I know , beautiful,” I interrupted, “but you’re gonna come for me first.”
    I plied her folds with a finger , circling the slippery nub of her clit until she was writhing underneath me, crying out my name again and again, spilling tears onto the bed sheets in passionate submission as she arched up and convulsed.  I watched her come apart, lost in her response both physically and emotionally, thinking that I could watch her orgasm over and over and it would never be enough, I’d still want to give her more pleasure.  Elaina owned me completely and it was so good belonging to someone.  So

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