Liquid Diamond

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Book: Liquid Diamond by Sebastien Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sebastien Blue
them what she meant.
    “ Sooner or later it’ll be back to its original shape. There are some people around here that swear this metal lives and that putting it in trillium oil drowns it,” continued Miss Turr.
    “ But it’s not alive though, is it?” said Domnyar.
    “ No, of course not. If anything’s alive it would be the crust. After all, that’s how the metal is replaced,” replied Miss Turr.
    “ Can you tell us who you made it for? They’ll know where the crystals are and all we’ll have to do is follow them,” said Catalyst.
    “ I’ve never seen their faces,” replied Miss Turr with a shrug.
    “ You’ve never seen their faces and yet you made them a key anyway?” asked Natalia.
    “ They were wearing cloaks and they had their hoods pulled over their heads. Since I was dealing with five of them, each one with their own design, and a sixth one just stood around watching everything and everyone. Look, I may be a Basajaunak but clearly these people were warriors and I was more concerned with doing as they asked! It wasn’t my business who they were or what they wanted the key made for. But I do know this – the one that handed me the metal was from Svartalfheim,” replied Miss Turr.
    “ How could you tell that? I thought you said they were wearing cloaks and hoods?” asked Domnyar.
    “ The one that handed me the metal had a Svartalfheim symbol burned into his wrist, but not like one I’ve ever seen before. Still there was no mistaking it, and what’s more, each one of them had the same type of symbol with only one real difference – the markings in each triangle seemed to represent a different Kingdom just like the carvings they had me put on this. The one on top seemed to be the one that tied them all together,” replied Miss Turr.
    “ The ones that you made this key for used it to open the portal to Earth. That’s how Natalia ended up here and already she’s been kidnapped by the Basajaunak and we’ve been hunted and set up at least once already. All this is because the fear of Humanity is starting to spread,” said Catalyst.
    “ Well I’m not afraid of Natalia and up to now I had no idea what the key was for. All Natalia told me was that you were looking for the crystals and the maker of the key. Had I known what they wanted the key for, even at the cost of my own life, I wouldn’t have made it for them,” said Miss Turr.
    “ Can you believe that the King sent two children on this kind of quest?” asked Domnyar of Miss Turr.
    “ Sounds more like vengeance – vengeance just for being Human,” replied Miss Turr.
    “ Be that as it may, I can’t go home until we’ve got the crystals back,” said Natalia.
    “ Look, given last night and all that went on, I can see why you would want to speak with that old trader. But wouldn’t you get more answers from the Elf, seeing he’s the one that had the old trader send you out there for him?” asked Miss Turr.
    “ Just how are we supposed to do that without ending up as a meal for him?” asked Natalia in disbelief that Miss Turr would even suggest such a thing.
    “ Domnyar and I will help you,” replied Miss Turr, easing Natalia’s frustration at her suggestion.
    “ We will? I mean of course we will,” said Domnyar, realizing it meant spending more time with Miss Turr and showing off his bravery.
    With his fitsall in one hand and his rope dart in the other, Catalyst stood ready to leave at once, looking forward to seeing that vile wretched Elf on more even terms.
    “ Everyone ready?” asked Miss Turr in a tone of voice that suggested an order rather than a question.
    “ I’m ready,” replied Domnyar, picking up his macuahuitl.
    “ Ah! What’s that thing?” asked Catalyst, drooling almost as much as the rotten old Elf.
    “ It’s my club,” replied Domnyar, showing off the four blades that stuck out the whole length of the club.
    “ Looks more like a butcher’s block turned inside out,” said Natalia.
    “ Hm, I

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