Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx

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Book: Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx by Catherine Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Mann
out over the water view. “This view. It totally rocks.”
    He slid an arm around her again. This time she couldn’t bring herself to pull away and ruin the moment. She let herself believe she leaned into his embrace simply because they might be seen by someone, the staff, his family.
    Had he even told his family the truth? She assumed so but hadn’t thought to ask. It was one thing to keep his silence with his campaign manager because as much as you thought you could trust someone, she’d learned it never hurt to be extra careful.
    The sound of an opening door plucked her from her reverie. She jerked in Matthew’s spicy-scented embrace and turned to find an older woman coming through the main entrance. Even if she hadn’t recognized the senator from her press coverage, Ashley would have figured out her identity all the same. Her deep green eyes declared her to be Matthew’s mother, even if her fair head contrasted with his dark brown hair.
    Ginger Landis Renshaw strode toward them, her shoulder length gray-blond hair perfectly styled. Ashley recalled from news reports the woman was around fifty, but she carried the years well. Wearing a pale pink lightweight sweater set with pearls—and RICH MAN’S FAKE FIANCEE
    blue jeans—Ginger Landis wasn’t at all what Ashley had expected. Thank goodness, because the woman in front of her appeared a little less intimidating.
    She had seen the woman often enough on the news—always poised and intelligent, sometimes steely, determined. Today, a softer side showed as she looked at her son then over to Ashley.
    “Mother, this is Ashley. Ashley, my mother.”
    Ginger extended her hands and clasped Ashley’s. “Welcome to our home. I’m sorry to hear about what happened to your business, but I’m so glad you’re all right and that Matthew brought you here to stay with us.”
    “Thank you for having me on such short notice, Senator.”
    “Ginger, please, do call me Ginger.”
    “Of course,” she replied, not yet able to envision herself using the first name of this woman who dined with heads of state.
    Matthew’s mother studied her, inventory-style, and suddenly Ashley realized the reason for the woman’s presence here instead of in D.C. with her husband. Matthew’s mother must have been called to give her a Cinderella makeover.
    Ashley released Ginger’s clasp and crossed her arms over her ill-fitting dress. “It’s a pleasure and honor to meet you.”
    Ginger tipped her head to the side. “Is something wrong, dear?”
    Visions blossomed to mind of being stuffed into some stiff sequined gown with her hair plastered in an overdone crafted creation that would make her head ache. She might even be able to pull the look off without appearing to be a joke. She might even look presentable enough to turn a head or two.
    But she would feel wretchedly fake and uncomfortable the whole time. “No, of course not. I’m grateful for your generosity in letting me stay here.”
    “But…?” Ginger prodded.
    Ashley let the words tumble free before she could restrain them and end up stuffed in a fashion runway mess. “I just can’t help but wonder if Matthew’s campaign manager expects you to give me some kind of makeover.”
    “Why would I want to change you? My son obviously finds you perfect as you are.”
    “That’s very kind of you to say. Thank you.” Ashley expected relief only to find something different altogether. She resented the twinge of disappointment sticking inside her chest like an annoying thorn. She truly didn’t want some fake redo. She liked herself just fine, but still…
    Then another implication of his mother’s words soaked in. She didn’t appear to know the engagement was fake. That Matthew would keep himself so closed off from even his family gave her pause. Except wasn’t she doing the same with her own sisters?
    Matthew kissed his mother’s cheek. “Always the diplomat.”

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