Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9)

Free Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
the first place? He had a feeling he’d gone too far. Natalie was more upset than he’d seen her in a long time. But he didn’t know if he could promise to stop. There was some fear that festered inside him. Unable to free himself of it, he’d given in to it.
    “Listen, baby,” he said. “Can’t you understand how much I love you?”
    Natalie turned. She was so beautiful in the tight blue suit she wore. Her long, dark hair curled wildly as if in response to her anger. Even in the semi-dark, her deep brown eyes glowed with rage. Rage at him. Yet, even furious, she was so sexy. His craving for her had a stronger pull than reason.
    He should back away, apologize. That was what she’d want. He should assure her that he was wrong. But he didn’t feel wrong. He felt desperate.
    Yes, that was it: he felt desperate. And the actions of a desperate man were never good. Still, as he looked into her eyes and moved closer, picking up her feminine scent, reason moved further into the background. Taking another step toward her, Tanner was encouraged that she didn’t move away but just looked back.
    He knew that look; he loved that look. Barely able to see anything on the dark terrace, Tanner could tell that she was flushed. It was the soft look in her eyes, the soft radiance of her skin, the swell of her breast. Oh God, he was losing it.
    Now barely an inch from her, Tanner looked down at the one woman who could drive him crazy. And she was doing a good job of it now. The faint aroma of her floral perfume, mixed with her womanly scent, made him lightheaded. He wanted to touch her, pull her to him, and drow n her with kisses. Did he dare?
    Whether she would or not, Tanner knew he’d be unable to resist. It just wasn’t in him; he wanted her too much. Reaching out, he fisted his hand in her hair and saw her eyes half close. Her sweet breath touched his lips, and she quivered as he pressed her to him. Without thought for consequence, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her as if she were life to him.
    Whatever unnamed fear that haunted him earlier, and precipitated his actions, was shattered by the animal passion that exploded inside him. Holding a fistful of her hair, he pulled her head back and kissed wildly all over neck. Wanting to drink her up, and possess her completely, he grabbed her in his arms and stalked inside, toward the playroom, intending to have his way. Needing to have his way.
    15 – Fierce Possession
    Natalie was unable to resist him, though maybe she should have. Angry, frustrated, and confused, she’d looked out into the blackness of the park. Unable to subdue the violent emotions racing through her, the only safety was in turning away before she regretted her actions.
    Feeling Tanner’s approach before she saw him, heat flooded her body, serving to further fuel her frustration. Her own reaction baffled her. Desire flared in her belly and her heart raced. Turning, she looked directly into Tanner’s piercing blue eyes. His look was unapologetic; in fact, it was predatory.
    The lust boiling inside him was evident in his every motion: the way he strode toward her, like an animal closing in on prey, the glisten of his radiant blue eyes, the tautness of his form. Even his breath, as he stood only an inch away, raked heat against her jaw, conveying his need.
    Anger, no longer a barrier, fell away. Under his glare, all resistance was gone, as if it had never been there at all. Like a razor-sharp knife, Tanner’s desire for her cut through to the depths of her being. The stark truth was that she wanted him as much as she ever did; maybe more. When he lost his hand in her hair and kissed her deeply, she melted in his arms.
    As he carried her to the playroom, holding her firmly against his chest, Natalie felt his virile strength and wanted only to be taken. Submitting was her only wish, as love and desire were her only feelings. Possibly, she should fight against him. But she didn’t want to.
    Relief washed

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