Hope Rekindled

Free Hope Rekindled by Tracie Peterson

Book: Hope Rekindled by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
Tags: Historical
added, “Our father, as well.”
    “Mrs. Maynard said they went up to heaven,” Jonah offered, then buried his face in the stocky woman’s waist.
    Christopher was rather at a loss as to how to deal with the situation. His discomfort stymied rational thought; he could have more comfortably performed surgery while wearing a blindfold. Drawing a deep breath, Christopher knew he would have to be strong. Strong and firm. He’d already decided that he would take the children back to Texas with him. There was certainly nothing for him in Kansas City, and while it would be stripping away the last remnants of all that was familiar, a new start would be good for all of them. Of course, Jimmy and Tommy would have plenty to say on the plan.
    “I asked Mrs. Maynard to gather you all here,” he began, “because I wanted to explain what will take place in the next few days. Since the house has burned down and the landlord had no insurance to rebuild, you have no home here in Kansas City.”
    “We got a home with Mrs. Maynard,” Jimmy said in a terse clipped tone. “I can see to it that we manage. I’m almost seventeen.” He was clearly used to being in charge of his siblings.
    Christopher met his brother’s gaze. “I’m sorry, but I cannot allow that. You see, I know our ma wanted to see you continue your education. She was very proud of you—proud of each one of you. She wrote to me all the time about what you were accomplishing. I know she would want you to be happy, but she’d want you to be safe and cared for above all. Mrs. Maynard cannot continue to care for you—that isn’t her job.”
    Jimmy folded his arms against his chest but said nothing more. Tommy, too, remained silent, while Darcy had little difficulty posing the questions they no doubt all had on their minds.
    “So where are you gonna take us?”
    He smiled, hoping it would ease their fears. “I’m going to take you back to Texas with me. I’m soon to be married, and I know my wife would love having each of you.” At least he hoped she would. He hadn’t been able to explain everything in the brief telegram he’d sent her and had already decided he would wait until they returned to let her know the full impact of the fire.
    “I ain’t gonna go,” Tommy declared, getting to his feet. “You can’t make me. I’ll be fifteen in a couple of months, and that’s old enough to take care of myself.”
    “Me either,” Jimmy said, joining his brother. “You can’t just come in here and expect us to leave. We’ve lived here all our lives. We’ll go on livin’ here.”
    It was just as Christopher had expected. “I’m sorry, but that won’t be possible. You are underage and cannot fend for yourselves. You cannot earn a living to support the little ones, and even if you were allowed to roam off on your own, the county would come in and take the rest of your brothers and sisters.”
    Jimmy let out a breath that was something between a growl and a sigh before storming off upstairs. Tommy opened his mouth as if to speak but then closed it and stomped off. At this, the two youngest began crying and Mrs. Maynard gathered them in her arms.
    “I’ll tend them in the other room,” she told Christopher.
    That just left Darcy. The blue-eyed, redheaded girl looked at him rather matter-of-factly. “Looks like you got a big problem.”

    O n Saturday, Deborah accompanied her mother to the commissary. The building was poorly stocked and able to satisfy only the most basic of needs. Her mother hoped to purchase at least several spools of thread, and two or three bags of flour, cornmeal, and coffee.
    Deborah walked the aisles, looking for anything useful. There had been a time when the place had been brimming with supplies and trinkets. Now it was just the basic needs, and hardly much of those.
    She heard footsteps fall behind her and backed up to let the other person pass. To her surprise, Deborah was immediately taken in hand by Jael. Her friend hurried

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