wasn’t some random girl I’d brought home to bag. This was Em. 
    She pushed back the covers, and I looked up to her face, her big eyes shiny and pleading. “Please?” she whispered.
    How could I say no to that face? I climbed in next to her as she lay on her side, facing me. On my back, I folded my hands behind my head and stared up at the ceiling.
    “I’m sorry about earlier,” she said. “I didn’t mean to come in there ‘tits a-blazing’ like that.”
    I smiled and looked over, seeing her grin as well. “Don’t be. It was a beautiful sight.”
    Her eyes widened as she slapped my arm. 
    I laughed and said, “What? It was.”
    Her lips pressed together as she fought her smile. “Pig.”
    I shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”
    “Bet it’s not as bad as ‘sugar tits,’ ” she mumbled.
    Rolling over, I propped my head up with my hand, feigning offense. “Hey, that was a compliment.”
    She rolled her eyes and muttered, “Uh-huh. Goodnight, Gabriel,” as she rolled away from me.

Chapter Seventeen
    Sunday, January 17th
    The scent of coconut filled my nose as I slowly pushed past the last few layers of hazy sleep and awoke. I was on my back, with something warm pressed into my side and draped across me. 
    My eyelids fluttered open to see Emily nestled against me, her arm wrapped around my stomach, her head resting on my chest, rising and falling with each breath I took. Her dark hair fanned over my chest, tickling my neck, and I felt her leg draped over mine. You know what else I felt? Her breasts—mashed against my ribs and separated only by the thin cotton of her t-shirt. Oh, and my raging hard-on. Felt that, too, trapped right under her thigh.
    How the hell did we end up like this? And why the hell was I still here? I’d had every intention of leaving right after she fell asleep. So why hadn’t I? Last thing I remembered was watching her side rise and fall as her breathing leveled out…
    Damn it, did I really fall asleep watching her sleep ? What kind of lame shit was that ?
    She shifted in her sleep, moaning as her leg hitched up, then down, practically stroking my cock. I bit my lip to keep quiet as my hand fisted the sheet.
    Fuck. Me. 
    I had to get out of here before she molested me in her sleep again.
    Painstakingly slow, I removed my entangled body from hers, then hauled ass out of there before she could wake up. I wasn’t sure how she’d react if she knew I’d spent the whole night with her. Hell, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. 

    Waking up alone in a cold bed was horribly depressing. Like I needed to feel any worse than I already did. My chest ached as I reached out and touched the empty side of the bed. It was the same side Thomas slept on—
    I pushed the thought away and got out of bed, otherwise I’d start crying, and then I’d never get out of bed. As I stretched, I wondered when Gabriel had left. Surely it wasn’t long after I fell asleep. I bet all my crying in the last day had freaked him out enough. He wouldn’t want to stick around for a girly game of “sleepover” too.
    The rich scent of coffee hung in the air, and my stomach rumbled. Motivated by something other than not wanting to wallow in bed, I pulled open the bottom dresser drawer, relieved to see normal-looking bras and panties. Grabbing a matching white cotton set, I closed the drawer and took off my shirt. I slid the bra on, surprised to find that it actually fit. Chucking my pants, the panties went on next.
    After getting redressed, I headed for the kitchen. I cut through the living room, squinting from the afternoon sun pouring in through the wall of glass. The kitchen came into view as I rounded the corner, as did Gabriel’s naked upper half. 
    Oh my —
    I’d been too distracted last night to notice he’d come in without a shirt, but here, in the light of day… Well, you could see everything. Every dip and curve of lean muscle under pale, flawless skin, the light dusting

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