Pendant of Fortune

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Book: Pendant of Fortune by Kyell Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyell Gold
so too. You’ll enjoy meeting Tish and Tika.” He smiled and nuzzled the wolf, trying to cheer him up.
    “ I can’t wait.” Streak smiled back and kissed his nose.
    “ How much time do we have until dinner?”
    “ He said to go into the dining room as soon as you got back. He told me how to get there. He did warn me that the ceilings are low.”
    Volle grinned. “No dining room for us big people, eh?”
    “ I don’t know about that, but he said the corridors on the way there were low.”
    The dining hall had relatively high ceilings, as it happened, and Volle and Streak were able to walk in without ducking their heads. They both looked up, massaging their necks as they entered the large hall. The arched ceiling had the most elaborate frescoes Volle had yet seen in the mansion, all depicting religious scenes. Volle glanced at them, taking in the six Houses and the central mandala, then walked to the seats next to Helfer, where the valet was leading them.
    The weasel greeted Volle with a smile. “Nice visit up at the castle?”
    “ Very. We’re both going up tomorrow. Will you be there?”
    “ Of course. I have to be there pretty much every day. Today is my only day free. Why don’t you ride up with me, then?”
    “ That would be fine.” Volle turned to Streak, who nodded without saying anything. “So what did you guys talk about?”
    Helfer chuckled. “You, for a bit. Then I told him something about Vellenland and he told me about his farm. And—ah, here’s someone I wanted you to meet.” He stood up as a small female weasel in elegant robes approached the table, led by another female in servant’s clothes. She smiled at Helfer as he helped ease her into the chair, and only then did Volle see that she was carrying an infant.
    “ Volle, this is Laya. Laya, this is Lord Vinton, and his companion Streak.”
    Volle stood and bowed. “Pleased to meet you.” He smiled at the tiny cub. “And who is this?”
    “ This is Lyfar,” she said, looking tenderly at the cub’s sleeping form. Her voice was strong and sure, and he could see the happiness in her eyes when she looked back at him. “He’s four months old and healthy.”
    “ That’s wonderful,” Streak said, straightening up from his bow. “He looks beautiful.”
    “ He is,” she said.
    Helfer was beaming as he sat back down. “So that’s my latest heir, and his mother,” he said.
    “ You’re truly blessed,” Volle said out of courtesy.
    “ It was bound to happen,” Helfer said as another weasel sat on the other side of Laya. “Isn’t that right, Burren?”
    “ Indeed, Lord Ikling,” the governor said as he sat. “I appreciate your cooperation. I know how hard it was for you.” His dry tone and Helfer’s answering smile told Volle that it was a long-standing joke between them.
    “ It wasn’t hard,” Helfer muttered to Volle under his breath. “That was the problem.”
    Volle grinned. “You got the job done.”
    “ Somehow.” He leaned back and sighed, just as the servants brought in the first course, a light soup that smelled mostly of onions, with traces of fruit and herbs below the acrid scent. Once Helfer had given the nod for everyone to start, Volle sampled his and found it quite good. He wasn’t surprised; in a rich land governed by a weasel with refined tastes, he would have been surprised if the food were plain.
    Streak seemed to enjoy the soup, too. Conversation died as they all bent to it, and when it was finished, Helfer gave them an inquiring look. Volle smiled in reply. “It’s good,” he said, and Helfer’s grin broadened.
    “ Glad we can satisfy your discriminating palate.” He gestured to a servant, and the fine ceramic bowls were taken away almost instantly. He saw Volle’s glance at him. “What?”
    Volle shook his head. “It’s just interesting to see you in your own place. In the palace, you always keep to yourself. Here, people look up to you and you seem to like it. You’re really in

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