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Book: Bold by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
“So what brings you here?”
    Tabby didn’t know where to start, so she went for the direct approach. “I’m a little concerned about your grandfather.”
    Andie leaned forward, her pleasant expression faltering as she yanked her leg out from beneath her.
    “It may be nothing,” Tabby rushed, in clarifying, “He just seems to be a little forgetful.” While she shared her observations with Andie, the door creaked open and Brody walked through it.
    For a brief moment, Tabby couldn’t breathe. It was amazing how much Reece and Brody looked alike, with the exception of their hair. Brody’s silky mass was black instead of chestnut brown. Maturity touched the eyes of the man before her, while Reece’s held laughter and youth.
    “Hi, Tabby. Everything okay?”
    Andie shook her head. “Typical sheriff, always thinking there’s a problem.” She continued, “Tabby has some concerns regarding Grandpa.”
    “Oh.” Brody sauntered over to Andie’s chair and sat on the arm. He placed a large, splayed palm atop her stomach. “How’s Mommy and the boys?”
    “We’re fine.” She glanced up at her husband and they shared a moment so precious it made Tabby blush. “As I was saying, it appears Grandpa seems to be forgetting things. Apparently he sent Tabby and Reece on the same errand. They ended up at the high school. Alone.”
    “Ohhh…” Brody repeated. “I see.” Lifting his chin, he sniffed the air. “Is that lasagna I smell? When’s dinner?”
    Again, Andie shook her head. “In about thirty minutes. Stay for dinner?” she asked Tabby.
    “I couldn’t.” Talk about timing. She could have kicked her own ass for visiting at this time of day. She should have known it was dinnertime for most people.
    “Yes, you can. In fact, I insist. You see, I have an alternative motive for asking you. I need help with the salad.”
    “Well, in that case I’d love to stay.” It had been awhile since she’d had pasta, and if she was being honest with herself, she was hungry. She hadn’t been able to eat a thing since yesterday.
    As Brody assisted Andie out of the chair, Tabby stood, and then followed the very pregnant woman into the kitchen.
    “I’ll set the table,” Brody called out from the other room.
    Immediately Andie put her to work. As she was rinsing the lettuce, there was a knock on the door. But her attention was pulled back to what Andie was doing. As if she were an experienced chef, the large knife Andie held moved fast and confidently, chopping scallions and bell pepper.
    “Where did you learn to do that?”
    Andie glanced up from the pile of vegetables. “Katie. She has all kinds of wonderful tips for making cooking easier. Can you get the red wine vinaigrette out of the refrigerator?”
    As Tabby retrieved the dressing, Andie placed all the ingredients into a large bowl and started to toss it. Then she added the vinaigrette and mixed it some more.
    “If you’ll carry the salad, I’ll take the bread and ice tea. I made enough lasagna to feed an army, so Brody will have to get it out of the oven.”
    The phone rang.
    “Brody will you get that?” Andie stopped and listened for a moment. After the ringing stopped, she gathered the bread and pitcher and stepped out of the kitchen.
    Scooping the large bowl in her arms, she once again followed Andie. When they reached the dining room, she set the bowl down, noticing the table had four place settings. She jerked her questioning gaze up to Andie.
    “Oh, I hope you don’t mind, but Brody’s brother will be joining us tonight.”
    Tabby felt her heart drop to her feet. She had yet to gather her wits before Brody waltzed into the room, Reece right on his heels.
    “That was your grandfather on the telephone. Harold said he’s sorry he couldn’t make supper and was glad Tabby could join us in his place. It appears he has some things that needed his attention in town.”
    The mischievous grin Brody flashed his wife before he pulled out her chair and she

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