
Free Bold by MacKenzie McKade

Book: Bold by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
    Devon placed a palm to his chest. “Ahhh…a woman after my own heart.”
    She giggled. Her grin broadened at Reece, and then she scooted off.
    After an older waitress delivered their drinks, Tish came by with a basket of Italian bread. Reece tore a chunk off and took a bite while his gaze roamed over to where Tabby sat measuring a length of material. Vic walked by and said something to her and she laughed, the melodic sound caressing his ears.
    They didn’t have to wait long for their lunch since the crowd was just starting to arrive. He took a bite of the seafood casserole and it melted in his mouth while something crunched as he chewed. Seasoned breadcrumbs he guessed and savored the different textures.
    “Katie is amazing.” Devon wolfed down another forkful. “I’d marry her if she wasn’t already hitched to Trent.” Trent Parker was a fireman and one of Brody’s closest friends.
    Another round of drinks arrived and both men nodded their thanks since their mouths were full.
    “So what’s planned for tonight?” Devon took a long pull from his bottle.
    “Dinner with Brody and Andie, and then Hauk’s.” For at least one song.
    “Hauk got you good.” Devon guffawed. “First time I’ve ever seen anyone get the best of you.”
    No. Someone else had gotten the better of him way more effectively than Hauk. Reece glanced toward where Tabby stood folding a huge panel into squares. What the hell was he going to do about her?
    They had finished the last of their beers when Vic joined them. “Tabby wants to know, since you guys are here, if you can take the tent with you?”
    “You mean she isn’t going to help us install it?” he asked.
    “No. She said, and I quote, ‘The instructions I pinned to each panel even dummies could follow.’ So you boys should be good to go.”
    “Ha-ha. Funny, Tabby,” Devon yelled across the room.
    She flashed a strained smile and turned away.
    Dammit. Reece fumed. She couldn’t just ignore him.
    Pushing back his chair, he rose to his feet. Tabby must have heard the scrap against the wooden floor because she hightailed it straight to the bathroom.
    When he glanced at Vic, her friend and the local hairdresser, she cocked a brow, her eyes simmering accusingly.
    Tabby wouldn’t have told Vic about them. But it didn’t take a genius to see something was said to the woman, who spun on the balls of her feet and headed over to where they were still sewing pillows.
    Devon looked up at Reece. “That was strange.”
    “You’re telling me.” Reece licked his lips. “Maybe we should get those damn curtains and get the hell out of here.”
    His conscience mentally poked him in the side. Now who was the coward?
    Knock. Knock.
    “It’s safe to come out.” Vic’s muffled voice bled through the locked bathroom door.
    Feeling twice the fool, Tabby turned the handle and stepped beyond the door. But who could blame her? The second she sensed Reece rising, the need for escape had throbbed in her veins, pounded in her heart.
    Concern burned in Vic’s eyes. “You okay?”
    No. But it was “Yes,” she opted to say. “I just had to use the restroom.”
    “Yeah. Like I’m going to believe that.” Vic paused. “He’s gone.”
    Tabby inhaled a shaky breath. “Thanks.”
    “You know you can’t elude him forever.”
    “I just need breathing space today.” After waking up depressed and weepy, she was on edge. When this booth was complete, she’d be fine. At least that’s what she kept telling herself. She just needed to keep busy and keep as much distance between her and Reece as possible until she was stronger. “Let’s get back to work.”
    They worked until four o’clock, with many people coming up and asking them what they were doing. Strangely, it had been a good marketing ploy to use the Seafarer. Their activities hadn’t only aroused interest in the festival, but for Madame M, the psychic. She came highly recommended by Josie Wells who just

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