Lingerie Wars (The Invertary books)

Free Lingerie Wars (The Invertary books) by janet elizabeth henderson

Book: Lingerie Wars (The Invertary books) by janet elizabeth henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: janet elizabeth henderson
was the focus of everyone's attention and no doubt the main fodder for morning gossip. She smiled at everyone then turned towards the door. Lake took a step to block her exit.
    "Get out of my way," she said through clenched teeth.
    "No." He smiled for the women watching as he folded his arms. He was flashing those muscles again. "I caught you spying," he said. "You're now a prisoner of war. If you pay your penance and take part in one demonstration, you can leave. Otherwise..." He shrugged like it pained him. "Otherwise, there's going to be a scene."
    Kirsty chewed her lip. She didn't want to be the laughing stock of Invertary. No one would take her shop seriously if that were the case. And the people in Invertary had a long memory. She was still trying to live down the episode with a pot of glue and her teacher's chair—and that was twenty years earlier.
    "You can't force me to stay," she said.
    "Yes, I can."
    She'd amused him again.
    "One demonstration in return for freedom," he said. "Come on, Kirsty—I'll show you something cool."
    Her eyes narrowed.
    "Your etchings?"
    He smiled.
    "That's funny, but I've got something far more impressive than that."
    "Hey, Lake," someone shouted. "Are we having a class or not?"
    He cocked an eyebrow at Kirsty.
    "One demo, or one scene. Your choice—either way, there's a punishment for spying."
    The way he said those words made her breath hitch. Her lips itched to ask what alternative punishments were available. Her brain was scared of the answer. She tore away from his gaze and turned to the women in the room. She smiled over brightly.
    "I guess one little demonstration couldn't hurt," she said to the group.
    Lake grabbed her hand and dragged her to the middle of the room.
    "Okay," he told everyone. "I'm going to show you what to do if someone attacks you from behind."
    Half the women started to giggle. Kirsty rolled her eyes. Really, this was the high-class event he was hosting?
    "It's been a long time since I've been approached from behind," someone said.
    More giggles. Kirsty waited patiently for the women to get their minds back out of the gutter.
    "As interesting as that is," Lake said drolly, "this is serious."
    "Yes, sir," the woman said and saluted, which made him chuckle.
    "Kirsty, come here and stand in front of me."
    As heads turned towards her, Kirsty stuck her nose in the air and did as she was told. She glared at Lake. His eyes sparkled in return. Kirsty shrugged out of her coat and hat and put them on the chair at the side of the room.
    "Right here," Lake said, pointing at the spot in front of him.
    Kirsty stood where she was told and folded her arms. A wave of whispers, nudges and winks went round the room.
    "What would you do," Lake said loudly behind her, "if someone grabbed you like this?"
    He put an arm around Kirsty's shoulder and pulled her back, flush against him. Kirsty sucked in a breath as his other arm snaked around her waist. She was wedged against him. She felt the full power of his physique running along the back of her body. Her cheeks began to burn. She fought the overwhelming urge to wiggle her hips against him. To distract her senses, Kirsty prodded his bicep with her fingernail.
    "Steroids, right?" she said, and the women laughed, which made her feel slightly more in control.
    Lake's thumb gently caressed her stomach and Kirsty stood rock still.
    "Answers, anyone?" he said, his voice a warm breath on her ear. "What would you do if I attacked you like this?"
    "Bend over," someone called.
    More raucous laughter. Kirsty was distracted by the circling thumb on her stomach. It took all of her self-control not to relax into his hold and close her eyes.
    "Having fun yet?" he whispered against her ear.
    Her eyes narrowed as she cursed him loudly in her head.
    "She could give him a Glasgow kiss," someone shouted.
    "That's for when you're facing people," her friend told her. "Not when you have your back to them. You can't header someone from the back."

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