Tequila Truth

Free Tequila Truth by Mari Carr

Book: Tequila Truth by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
Tags: Romance
career aspirations at serious risk.
    “That is if you’re willing, Heath. It’s not a small thing I’m proposing here. I’m not saying let’s try it and see how it goes. I’m serious about making this a forever thing.”
    “So you’re proposing? To me and Kylie? I’m not sure if I should laugh or punch you in the face.”
    “I, I mean we would be proposing to Kylie. But I guess now that you mention it, we’d be making a commitment to each other too. You’re my best friend, Heath. We’ve been in each other’s lives for nearly two decades. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t in my life anymore. I mean, shit, we root for all the same sports teams. That’s rare, man.”
    Heath laughed at his attempts to lighten the mood. “I do want this, Colt. I’m not blind and I can appreciate how perfect this weekend has been. Neither of us has had much luck in the love department and now I can’t help but wonder if it’s because we’ve been in love with Kylie all this time. Maybe we were avoiding the obvious because we thought it might end in a competition for her attentions.”
    He groaned at Heath’s words. “Christ, do you have to mention the ‘L’ word? You know the thought of that emotion gives me gas.”
    “Well, you’re going to have to overcome that little obstacle because I know for a fact Kylie won’t accept any offer we make that doesn’t include that sentiment.”
    Colt ran his hand through his hair once again. “I love her. Shit, I’m crazy about the girl.”
    Heath walked over and joined him at the kitchen table again. “It really won’t bother you when I’m alone with Kylie? There are going to be nights when you’re on duty and I’m telling you right now, I won’t just be in bed sleeping with her. I’ll be fucking her. That doesn’t bug you? Even a little?”
    Colt shook his head instantly. “Not a bit. I swear to you. Does it bother you that the same holds true when you’re out of town?”
    Heath gave a humorless laugh. “Not a bit. Geez, what’s wrong with us? Don’t you think there’s something seriously fucked up about that?”
    “Not really. I trust you with my life, buddy, and I know you’ll take care of Kylie when I’m not around. The three of us fit and I’m not so sure the same would hold true if it was just you and Kylie or just me and Kylie. It’s hard to explain but I really feel like this relationship only works as a trio.”
    Heath nodded. “I feel the same way. I guess when you think about it, we all bring something different to the table. Besides, with our fucked up work hours, it would take both of us to make one full-time husband for her.”
    “Heath, we’ve shared everything our whole lives—bedrooms, clothes, cars. It’s second nature to us now. Besides, I gotta tell you, the sex—” He stumbled, trying to find the words, but his friend saved him from the task.
    “I know,” Heath said. “So now we share Kylie?” Heath’s question came out as a statement and Colt let it slide without a response. “She’ll never go for it.”
    “You said that about this weekend and she jumped in with both feet. I can’t go back, Heath. If she refuses, there’ll be no going back to the way things were.”
    Heath turned and frowned at him. “You’d move out?”
    He shrugged. “I’ll never be able to be in the same room without wanting her again.”
    Heath considered his words for a long time. “Neither will I. So I guess we’d better put on our most persuasive faces and convince the girl, since failure doesn’t seem to be an option.”
    He smiled and walked over, placing a friendly hand on Heath’s shoulder. “Well, my friend, I’ve been thinking about that and it seems to me that Kylie responds better to actions than words.”
    “Are you suggesting we seduce her into agreeing to marry us?”
    “Like you said, failure’s not an option and the way I see it, all is fair in love and war.”
    “You’re speaking in clichés,” Heath

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