Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance

Free Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance by Ca$h, Nene Capri

Book: Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance by Ca$h, Nene Capri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ca$h, Nene Capri
washed and rinsed then stepped out to start his day. Once he was fully dressed he moved about his house packing the last of his things in boxes. He was on a serious mission and he wasn’t letting nothing stand in his way.
    Buzz. Buzz.
    Kiam sat the tape down and picked up his gun and moved to the window and looked outside. His eyes settled on Lissha who had her arms folded battling the cold as she waited for him to open the door. Kiam took a good look up and down the street before leaving the window and heading to the door.
    Lissha raised her finger to the bell to ring it again just as Kiam clicked the locks.
    Kiam stared at her with a suspicious eye then looked past her to check the area again.
    Lissha looked down at his shiny black tool then up into his eyes. There was coldness that she had never seen before. The Kiam she had grown to love and care about had checked out and there was a beast ready to devour its prey dead or alive.
    “Am I coming in or do you want me to wait for you in the car?” she asked lowly, being careful not to say the wrong thing.
    “Nah, come in. I have to do a few things real quick.” His voice was stern and unwavering.
    Lissha moved through the small space he provided and as her body passed him, his scent rose in her nostrils causing her mouth to water.
    Kiam locked the door then followed her into the living room.
    “You need me to do something?” she asked, looking around at the boxes then taking off her leather jacket.
    “Nah, just chill. Let me handle something real quick then I’ll be ready to go to the other house.” He turned and headed up the stairs.
    Lissha took a seat on the couch and continued to eye all the packed items in the room. Death was all over the place; the room was cold and dark. She thought about Gator, Waleek and Donella and now Faydrah. It seemed like death was on her heels and she wondered how long she would be able to keep it off of her ass. After a few moments of sitting there being tormented by her thoughts she got up and headed upstairs.
    Lissha stood in the doorway of Kiam’s bedroom and watched as he slowly placed the last of Faydrah’s items from the dresser in a small box.
    Kiam held a photo of him and her tightly in his grip, staring down at it as if his gaze could bring her back. He took a deep breath and placed the framed picture in the box and closed it up.
    “You okay?” Lissha spoke in a soft and comforting tone.
    “No. But I gotta do what I gotta do.” He sat the box on top of several others then grabbed his jacket from the bed.
    “Kiam. Do you ever think about getting out?” She threw it on the table.
    “Getting out of what?” He paused and gave her a raised brow.
    Lissha again chose her words carefully. “Can I just talk to you for a minute?” she asked, walking towards him.
    Kiam took a seat on his bed and Lissha sat down next to him. Her mind raced with several thoughts; so many things wanted to fall from her lips but she knew that she would be added to the death toll if she uttered them. She quickly checked herself and began.
    “Look. I understand your loyalty to Daddy and your own convictions. But you have your whole life ahead of you. Is this shit worth dying over?” She looked at the side of his face.
    Kiam heard her but getting out was the furthest thing from his mind.
    “At one point I thought that getting out was an option, but I buried both of my reasons,” he stated coldly.

Chills went through her whole body. “Kiam...” she said then paused as she thought better of it.
    Kiam looked over at her wondering what had ahold of her tongue. “Say what you gotta say,” he prompted.
    Lissha wanted to let her tongue run eighty miles per hour. She had to calm herself and speak right.
    “You are a determined man. I know you will get each and every one of them. But on the way they are going to get some of us. I don’t want any of us to have to bury someone else that we love.” She put her hand on his leg.
    Kiam looked down at

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