Three Hearts One Soul (The Soul Series #1)

Free Three Hearts One Soul (The Soul Series #1) by Bec Botefuhr

Book: Three Hearts One Soul (The Soul Series #1) by Bec Botefuhr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bec Botefuhr
    His voice is harsh, strong, determined and scary. Hearing the change in his voice, hearing it go from a boys to a mans has me taking a moment to grasp what he’s said. I spit my next words out, so disgusted by him.
    “Don’t flatter yourself thinking I wanted anything to do with you. I couldn’t care if I never ever saw you again Jarred Levanox. I was looking for you, because Jase needs you.”
    He’s silent a long moment.
    “Jase is fine without me. Don’t call me again, do you understand me? I don’t want either of you in my life. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me.”
    “You ass…”
    The phone line goes dead. He can’t be serious? What? No. Did he just hang up on me? How dare he! How dare he! I toss the phone across the room, furious and hurt. Whiskey didn’t even let me tell him what was wrong. He didn’t. He just barked orders at me and hung up. What was the point in the call at all? I force myself to my feet, and my legs scream at me as they wobble. I grip the kitchen bench and get to cleaning up the house. I need to make it liveable enough for four people. It might be a tight squeeze but we can do it.
    I set up the guest room and make the queen sized bed. I put fresh towels down and give the floor a vacuum. Then I go into my room. It’s quite large and I know I’ll be sharing with Jase. I won’t put a sick man on the couch, if it gets uncomfortable I’ll sleep on the couch. I don’t see that it would get uncomfortable though, Jase and I used to sleep together often. Thankful I’ve got a queen sized bed too, I change the sheets and freshen my room up. Then I move onto the main bathroom, I clean it and put out the fresh soap and shampoo’s I brought from the shop.
    When I’m done, I head into the kitchen and double check that I’ve got everything I need. When I’m satisfied, I take hold of my phone and I text Jase telling him everything is ready and I’ll see him soon. Then I sit on the couch and let my thoughts lead back to Whiskey and his nasty phone call. Why would he want me to stay away? What is he hiding from? Is he protecting us or is he just being an ass? The Whiskey I knew had a tendency to be an asshole when he wanted, but he was usually easily tamed.
    I sit on Whiskey’s bed with my legs tucked underneath me, munching on a bag of crisps. Whiskey is shirtless, and sitting on the couch strumming away on his guitar. He looks beautiful concentrating, his eyes are narrowed and his lips are pursed. His large, muscled body moves as he begins playing. I can’t help that my eyes travel over him, he’s just got something about him…something so beautiful. When he starts singing Jase’s favourite song by matchbox 20, I smile. It’s our favourite band, and Whiskey often sings their songs on stage at the bar.
    “I think I’ve already lost you, I think you’re already gone, I think I’m finally scared now, you think I’m weak, I think you’re wrong…I think you’re already leaving. Feels like your hand is on the door…”
    I swallow and stop eating as his voice fills my ears. It’s beautiful, soulful, deep and husky. He has a voice that could have made him money if he took it further, he could have been a crazy big rockstar. He has the look for it. Whiskey screams sex. He is sex. Women swoon over him, even though he’s only nineteen. He attracts attention from the young and the old. I let my eyes slide over the tattoo on his shoulder, it’s a black dragon. It’s him. Fiery. Dark. Beautiful.
    “If you’re gone, baby you need to come home. There’s a little bit of something in me, and everything in you…” he sings.
    His phone ringing jolts him from his moment. He glares down at it, then sighs and drops his guitar.
    I let my eyes shift to his abs as he leans back against the couch. Whiskey is two years older than me, but I feel things when I look at him. So many things. It’s…distracting. I pick up another crisp and listen as he chats away.
    “Sarah, I

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