Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix

Free Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix by Christine Warren

Book: Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix by Christine Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Warren
Tags: Romance, Erotic, Vampire/Gothic
ready. I can’t handle this. Clearly I’m not ready to give in to someone else’s control, no matter how sexy I find you.”
    She sniffled, hating that she couldn’t wipe away her tears, that he could see her crying and vulnerable. He still didn’t move.
    “Now, if you’ll just untie me, I’ll go make an appointment with a shrink and you can get the hell out of my apartment. Happy?”
    “I am becoming much more so.” Dmitri answered her rant and her glare with a smile and a tender kiss on the tip of her nose. He sat up, and the phantom hands disappeared. “I told you I wanted you to be completely honest with me, Regina. That includes telling me about your desires and your fears in equal measure.”
    “You never said that. You told me not to lie. You never mentioned complete honesty.”
    “Then clearly I should have. I do want your complete honesty, dushka , with yourself as well as with me. It is not shameful to fantasize about things you do not actually desire to have, but I will not tolerate it if you lie to me. Do you understand?”
    Reggie nodded and shifted restlessly. He still hadn’t made a move to free her.
    “Well, what are you waiting for?” she demanded. “Now that I’ve spoiled all your fun, aren’t you going to untie me and get going?”
    For the first time, Reggie heard him laugh. It sounded rich and dark and utterly sinful, like good chocolate.
    Did I just compare his laugh to a food product? After he invaded my mind and made me cry? God, I really do need that shrink…
    “You spoiled nothing for me, milka . And I didn’t say I am finished with you yet.”
    Her eyes widened. “Uh, wait a second, buddy. In this country, when we say, ‘Stop now and untie me,’ the implied subtext there is, ‘Or I will call the police and see your sorry ass rot in jail for rape.’ Maybe I should have explained that to you earlier.”
    Dmitri just flashed her his wicked grin. “Oh, I can read your subtext perfectly well. Now close your pretty mouth for me, hmm?”
    As exclamations went, it wasn’t particularly eloquent, but Reggie thought it summed up her frustration nicely. She tried to think up something more descriptive and withering to shout at Dmitri’s back when he leaned down to retrieve something else from the duffle bag. After the last incident, she expected an iron maiden, or maybe a cattle prod (so what if they would never have fit! She was having a moment of hysteria, here!). Instead, when Dmitri sat up, he held two richly colored silk scarves in his hands.
    “Isn’t it a little late for those?” she asked, not caring if enough venom dripped from her tongue to put an asp to shame. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m already tied up.”
    “Oh, I noticed.” He stood to get a better view and looked down at her with an expression of purely male satisfaction etched on his face. “You are a glorious sight, nenagyladnaya , you at whom I could never tire of looking. But you are still not in the right frame of mind for our time together. I believe this will help.”
    Reggie would have glared up at him, but apparently Dmitri’s adjustment to their little scene involved using one of the silk scarves to blindfold her. The dark, paisley printed cloth cut off her vision entirely, though Dmitri carefully examined the position of the layered material along her brow and her cheeks and beside her nose to be sure no gaps or holes allowed light to seep beneath.
    “There. How is that, milka ?”
    “Just peachy.”
    Dmitri chuckled. “Good. Then be a good girl and lie perfectly still for me.”
    “Well, since I can’t reach the phone to dial 9-1-1, I guess I don’t have much choice, do I?”
    Reggie was all set to work up a bloody scream the instant she felt the touch of the leather flogger against her skin. Instead, what came out of her mouth ranked somewhere between a whimper and a gasp of pure surprise. Rather than the sting of harsh leather, Reggie’s skin jumped at the feel of

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