A Collar and Tie (Ganymede Quartet Book 4)

Free A Collar and Tie (Ganymede Quartet Book 4) by Darrah Glass

Book: A Collar and Tie (Ganymede Quartet Book 4) by Darrah Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darrah Glass
the middle of his chest. Martin sat down on the bed with a bounce and leaned
back on his elbows.
    “You were,” Martin agreed. “Do you know what I like to do
when you’re asleep? I pull back the sheet and look.” Martin put his hand on his
own cock and gave it a languid stroke. “You’re all defenseless and exposed, and
I look at your naked body as much as I want. I touch your cock and make it hard
and listen to the little noises you make while I play with it.”
    The idea of Martin toying with his naked body unbeknownst to
him was shocking and dirty, and Henry burned with a heated flush. He felt
slightly violated, but his overwhelming feeling was one of forceful arousal.
His cock throbbed powerfully as he asked, “D-do you really do that?”
    Martin grinned, wicked and sharp. “Sometimes. It’s very wrong
of me, I know.” He did not seem at all sorry of this. “I love it when you
whimper. Someday maybe you’ll say my name.”
    Henry could say it now. “Martin.” He stood between Martin’s
thighs. His cock was very hard, insistently hard. Martin lay back and drew his
knees up, letting them fall out to the sides, exposing his tender asshole.
Henry looked down at Martin’s hole with deep affection. It was tougher than it
looked, he knew, but the sight of it still made Henry feel overwhelmingly
    “Scoot back a bit,” he said, pushing at Martin’s hips. He
bent and licked Martin a little, making him nice and wet. He imagined doing
this to sleeping Martin, listening to him moan while his eyelids fluttered and
pretty cock jerked. Martin’s hole clenched under Henry’s tongue and his balls
drew up tight to his body.
    “Henry,” Martin breathed. “ Henry .”
    Henry stretched to get the oil bottle out of the drawer and
stood again between Martin’s dangling feet. The little green glass bottle was
half-full of oil and he poured a thin stream of it on the skin above Martin’s
asshole and watched it run down the cleft before spreading it around with his
fingers. He asked, “What kind of noises do I make?” and pushed his thumb past
the muscle, into Martin’s hole, fucking him with it.
    Martin moaned and his hands tightened on the backs of his
own thighs, white-knuckled, drawing his knees higher still.
    “I sound like that? Really?” Henry laughed and pulled his
thumb out, replacing it with two fingers, and Martin gave a shuddering sigh. Henry
bent and licked the underside of Martin’s cock and it jerked beneath his
tongue. He kissed the head and sucked it into his mouth and then smiled around
it as Martin groaned. While he sucked, he fucked Martin’s hole with his oiled
fingers, hard movements of his arm that jolted Martin’s body, and Martin gave
little grunts with each thrust.
    Martin petted Henry’s head, twisted his fingers in Henry’s
hair. “Henry, Henry , please, I want your cock.”
    Henry took his fingers out of Martin’s ass and admired his
open, twitching hole while oiling his cock. He poured a little more oil on
Martin, too, wanting him slick.
    “Not too much,” Martin said hopefully. “You know I like it
    Henry was only willing to tolerate so much roughness. “It’s
not too much,” he said, petting Martin’s hole and working the oil inside. “I’ll
fuck you hard, though, all right?”
    Martin whimpered and looked up at him with pleading eyes. “ Please ,
    Henry rubbed the head of his cock up and down the cleft of
Martin’s ass and over his sensitive hole. Martin pulled his buttocks apart,
stretching his hole wide in invitation. He gave a shaky moan, still looking at
Henry with hungry, beseeching eyes.
    The pressure around Henry’s cockhead as he breached Martin’s
body was hot and intense. He resisted the urge to just wildly thrust inside and
lingered a moment, savoring the anticipation. Martin made an impatient sound
and wrapped his legs around Henry’s hips, urging him on.
    “Please, Henry, I thought about you all day. ”
    Henry leaned

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