A Hero to Dance With Me

Free A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland

Book: A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marteeka Karland
Tags: Romance
couldn’t seem to remember much, unable to think of anything other than the present pleasure he was bringing to her.
    His hands slid from her breasts around her torso, his arms holding her so tightly the feeling was delicious. God, she loved how he could completely surround her with that magnificent body of his! It just felt right. Comfortable. This man had been made just for her, whether or not he was willing to admit it--she knew it in her heart, just as she knew she’d been made for him. They just fit in every way.
    Soft kisses made their way up her neck to her ear where Steve sucked her earlobe between his lips and nipped gently. “Have I told you how very irresistible you look, Jezelle?”
    “I’m getting fat,” she said on an airy breath. “It hasn’t been too noticeable, but I’m not the skinny girl you met several months ago.”
    “No. You’re not. You’re growing with my child, transforming into a beautifully tempting woman with a mother’s curves. You were beautiful before, but now I can’t seem to keep my eyes off you. Until now, I’ve managed to keep my hands—and everything else—to myself, but seeing you like this…” He trailed off as a shudder went through him. “Ah, God, you’re sexy!”
    “I was afraid it would make you panic, seeing me growing.” She pushed him away, but he only retreated enough to be able to look into her eyes, his arms staying firmly around her. “I’m going to say this just once, Steve. If you want out, do it now before you make me lose my heart again.”
    Even as she said the words, a stab of pain went through her chest. There was no way she’d come out of this the same lighthearted person if he left her again. Her whole outlook had changed when he’d left the first time, and she hated the cynical person she’d become. Gone was the fun-loving, carefree girl who’d only wanted to dance. In her place was a bitter, broken-hearted woman wandering around lost with no direction to her life. When Steve showed up again, it made her realize how different everything was after that one night, and she’d been determined not to give him that power over her again. Yet here he was. And dammit, she wanted everything he represented. Love. A family. A place she belonged. She wanted the goddamned fairytale.
    He let her go then, but only so he could slide his hands up to cup her face. Tilting her head so she had to look at him, he kissed her gently. “I’m not going anywhere ever again,” he said with conviction. “My enlistment with the Navy is up in six months. I’m not reenlisting. I’ve already spoken with my CO and the paperwork is in the works. My place is here with you,” he said, the conviction on his face so strong Elle knew this was real. “My running days are over. I intend to use all that training as a SEAL to protect you and our child with a ruthlessness never before seen in a husband and father.” He grinned. “That is, if you’ll marry me.” With that, he reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a small white box. Jezelle couldn’t have been more shocked if he’d told her he was an alien from Mars. She’d known he was making progress, but this?
    “Steve, I...are you sure? I mean, if this is because of the baby--”
    “No, sweetheart. It’s not about that baby. I knew I wanted you long before I knew about our child. Yeah, I fucked up from the beginning, but I knew even then you were the woman for me. I just had difficulty actually admitting it to myself.” The look on his face turned fierce. “Not anymore. I’m yours, baby. All yours, and I don’t care who knows or what my team thinks. I lost this battle and I couldn’t be happier.”
    A tear spilled from Elle’s eye as she opened the little box. A simple gold band with a diamond setting sat inside. Taking it from the box, Elle slipped it on her finger, looking up at him with emotion clogging her throat. “I love you so much, Steve!”
    With a groan, he pulled her close once again,

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