The Accidental Kiss (The Kiss Book 1)

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Book: The Accidental Kiss (The Kiss Book 1) by Nicole Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Simone
Tags: General Fiction
    Faster than I could blink Daemon loomed over me and the boat rocked unsteadily. “You want me?”
    I looked up at him and there wasn’t any doubt in my mind. The want grew to a need so fierce I could hardly breathe. Daemon saw the answer in my eyes and dropped to his knees. He nudged my legs apart and positioned himself between them. I gasped as his hands cupped my ass, drawing me into him.
    Daemon’s pupils dilated with arousal. “Say it,” he growled. “Say you want me.”
    I sucked my lips between my teeth, suddenly shy. There were a million and one thing I wanted him to say and do, but speaking them out loud made my throat itch.
    His hands slipped underneath my t-shirt and circled around to my ribs. His thumb brushed over the thin material covering my nipple.
    I gasped out a startled breath and my back arched into his touch. “That…” I panted.
    “That is what I want.”
    Daemon complied. His fingers continued their teasing until there wasn’t a shred of self-control left in me. I grasped at his t-shirt and hungrily pulled it off of him. My gaze drank in the hard cut lines of his abdomen.
    “You’re like a work of art,” I said in admiration.
    He rocked back on his heels and brought me on top of him. “I think that compliment goes to you.” The cool afternoon air brushed my bare skin as he revealed my black lacy bra. “Yup, definitely goes to you.”
    Bending forward, my lips brushed his ear. “No more talking.”
    A groan tore from his throat as he gripped my waist and brushed my crotch over his hardening thickness. I threw my head back, drowning in a wave of lust.
    Daemon tangled his fingers into my hair. “You are killing me.”
    The movement was repeated and another jolt of lust made me forget everything. It was intoxicating, exhilarating, and mind numbly orgasmic.
    “Kiss me,” I half groaned, half pleaded.
    He lowered my head until we were inches apart. Our breaths mingled together as one. My eyelids fluttered closed and my lips parted. One…two…three…nothing. I re-opened my eyes. A hurricane of lust was written over Daemon’s face but the mood had shifted.
    “What?” I asked.
    Daemon untangled his hands from my hair. “Fuck,” he bit out. “I can’t do this.”
    Humiliation tore at my insides. I lifted myself off his lap and grabbed my t-shirt. Throwing it over my head, I angrily looked back at him. “If you didn’t want me in the first place, you shouldn’t have taken things this far.”
    He threw out his hands. “I do want you more than anything in the world, but not like this. Not on a boat and not because a crazed voodoo priest is after you.”
    His words went in one ear and out the other. I was too pissed to listen to reason.
    “Just take me back to the shore,” I said.
    Daemon’s eyes pleaded with me. “Sky, you have to understand.”
    Tears threatened to spill onto my cheeks. I couldn’t believe I threw myself at him like that. How utterly embarrassing. Eyeing the water, I saw it wasn’t too deep. Maybe knee deep at most. Before I could over think it, I jumped in.
    “What the hell are you doing?” Daemon yelled.
    My feet touched the mossy bottom and I waded to shore, ignoring Daemon’s cries to come back.

I returned to school, looking like a drowned rat. The bottoms of my jeans were soaked, my shoes were water logged, and my t-shirt was wrinkled. Since classes had already started, the hallways were blissfully empty. Thank God too because I didn’t need to fuel the rumor mill more than I already had. At this rate, I was going to be pregnant with an alien baby. Ducking into the bathroom, the wall of mirrors reflected my shame. I wasn’t the kind of girl who threw herself at a guy. My game was to play coy until they were mine—hook, line and, sinker. Even then, I never made the first move. Melissa said it was because of my shy nature and she was right. So why was it when I was around Daemon, I suddenly became brazen?
    “If my blood has to be virgin

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