The Accidental Kiss (The Kiss Book 1)

Free The Accidental Kiss (The Kiss Book 1) by Nicole Simone

Book: The Accidental Kiss (The Kiss Book 1) by Nicole Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Simone
Tags: General Fiction
super human speed to save me…once again.
    His arm whipped around my waist. “I got you.” He lifted my feet out of the mud and cradled my body against his chest.
    I shivered against the cold radiating from underneath his t-shirt. “No wonder you chose to live in the South. You’re your own air conditioner.”
    Daemon’s grip tightened. “That wasn’t my choice.” A muscle in his jaw twitched as he stared straight ahead.
    I mentally smacked myself in the forehead for my slip of the tongue. Of course it wasn’t his choice because after he turned sixteen, nothing was in his control again. Since I couldn’t take back my statement, I used it to my benefit to find out who non-zombie Daemon was before the voodoo priest claimed his soul and stuck it in a jar.
    “Where did you live before Louisiana?”
    “Did you have any sisters or brothers?”
    “Was she older or younger than you?”
    Daemon’s one-worded answers were getting on my nerves but it was better than nothing. I barreled on. “Did you go back to see your family after your change?”
    “Yes. Once during Christmas.” He cleared the raw hurt from his voice. “I didn’t have the balls to knock on the door because I wasn’t the son they knew. Instead I stayed in my car and watched my family celebrate together through the bay window.”
    The image Daemon painted of a young man watching life continue on without him made my heart ache. “That’s awful,” I breathed.
    He ignored my admission of sympathy. “We’re here.” Swept away by Daemon’s story, I forgot I was in his arms and being lead to our destination. He carefully set me on my feet. “I’ll hold the boat while you climb in.”
    “Boat?” I repeated.
    Sure enough, off to my left there was a small dinghy floating on the murky water. It looked like it had seen better days. The white paint was chipped off, revealing the blue color it once was. A splintered wooden oar rested against the seat inside.
    I gulped. “I don’t think that thing can hold us. Let alone one person.”
    Daemon waved me over impatiently. “Come on, I don’t have all day.”
    When I said I wanted to talk somewhere more private, I didn’t think Daemon would take it so literally. Pushing my fears aside, I walked over to where he stood. He gripped the edge of the boat as I gingerly stepped on board. Daemon followed suit, grabbed an oar and paddled us to the middle of the inlet. A tranquil quietness settled over us like a heavy blanket.
    He leaned back onto his elbows. “So, I’m guessing you’re ready to hear the truth.”
    I nodded. “If you’re still willing to give me the answers.”
    “I am. We’re in this together.”
    His declaration perplexed me. Up until two days ago, I had no idea who Daemon was. Why did he feel as if he had to protect me and shed his loyalty to the voodoo priest? I opened my mouth and asked that very question.
    “I have lived on the side of evil for too long. I thought it was about time to see what being good was all about,” Daemon said.
    My gut told me he was holding something back. That there was another layer Daemon didn’t want to reveal yet. Nonetheless, I knew if I prodded him his lips would seal shut. So instead, I moved on to the next logical inquiry.
    “It’s plain as day why the Priest of Santeria wants my blood. It’s because of my gift.” I glanced in Daemon’s direction for confirmation.
    “That is correct,” he said.
    “But I don’t understand. My kiss is only unlocked if I love somebody and it’s not like I can kill somebody with my power of sight.”
    Daemon’s eyes drilled into mine. “You have no idea what your power holds, Sky. None.”

The boat rocked unsteadily underneath us as I shifted in my seat, unnerved by what Daemon was implying. The fact that I had the potential to be clairvoyant was enough to send me over the edge. I couldn’t handle more power than that.
    “I didn’t mean to scare you,”

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