Never Too Far

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Book: Never Too Far by Abbi Glines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Glines
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Young Adult
    “Then you tell Bethy that,” Jace replied as I shoved the box in his hands and pulled the suitcaseoutoftheback.“Igotthesuitcase;youtaketheboxinandI’llwakeherup.”
    “Private moment?” Jace smirked and I shoved the box in his hands a little too hard.It causedhimtostumblebackwhichonlymadehimcacklewithlaughter.
    mewasn’texactlywhatIwantedtodo.Itscaredtheshitoutofme.Whatifthiswasit?Whatif Blaireneverletmenearherlikethisagain?No.Icouldn’tletthathappen.I’dworkslowbutI wouldmakesurethiswasn’titforus.Althoughhavinghadhertomyselfalldaywasgoingto makeitrealhardtogobacktothewayitwas.
    Iunbuckledher.Shebarelystirred.AlockofhairhadfalleninherfacesoIgaveintothe urgetotouchit.ReachingupItuckedthehairbehindherear.Shewassodamnbeautiful.I’d nevermoveonfromher.Itwasn’tpossible.Ihadto indawaytogetherback.Tohelpher heal.
    car but I couldn’t do that. I moved back so she could get out. Asking her if I could see her tomorrowwasrightthereonthetipofmytongue.ButIdidn’t.Shewasn’treadyforthat.Ihad togiveherspace.“I’llseeyouaroundthen,”Isaidandhersmilewavered.
    She started to say more but snapped her mouth shut. With a tight nod she turned and walkedtotheapartment.


    The first day back at work and Woods assigned me to the dining room. Breakfast and lunch shifts. Not good. I stood outside the kitchen mentally preparing myself not to think about the smell. I’d woken up queasy and forced two saltine crackers and some gingerale down but that was all I could manage.
    The moment I walked into the kitchen the smell would hit me. The bacon… oh god, the bacon…
    frombehindme.Ispunaround,startledfrommyinternalbattletoseehimsmilingatmewith anamusedgrin.“Thecooksaren’tthatbad.You’llgetovertheyellinginnotime.Besides,last timeyouhadthemwrappedaroundyourprettylittlefinger.”
    Iforcedasmile.“You’reright.Icandothis.I’mjustnotreadyforpeopleaskingquestions,I guess.”Thatwasn’texactlythetruthbutthenitwasn’talieeither.
    no. My body broke out into a cold sweat and my stomach rolled. “I, uh, need to use the restroom irst,” I explained and made my way to the employee restroom as fast as I could withoutbreakingintoarun.Thatwouldlookevenmoresuspicious.
    IclosedthedoorbehindmeandclickedthelockintoplaceasIfelltomykneesonthecold tile.IgrabbedthetoiletaseverythingI’deatenlastnightandthismorningcamebackout.
    My white polo shirt was clinging to me from the sweat that had broken out all over me. I neededtochange.
    Icould.Maybenoonewouldnotice.Icoulddothis.IwouldjustholdmybreathwhileIwasin thekitchen.Thatwoulddoit.I’dbreathedeeplybeforegoingineachtime.Ihadto igurethis out.

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