Never Too Far

Free Never Too Far by Abbi Glines

Book: Never Too Far by Abbi Glines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Glines
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Young Adult
    “Youcancomebackifyouneedme.Always.”HisvoicecrackedandIknewIneededtogo.I steppedbackandnoddedoncebeforewalkingtotheRover.
    IwatchedashelookedbackatCainbeforegoingandgettinginonhisside.Iwasreallydoing this.Lettinggoofwhatwassafeandtakingthefirstmoveinfindingmyplaceintheworld.


    She looked like she was about to cry and I was afraid to ask her if she was okay. My fear that she might change her mind and stay in Sumit kept me quiet until we were safely out of the town limits.
    Seeing her hands knotted tightly in her lap bothered me. I wish she’d say something.
    Shenodded.“Yeah.It’sjustalittlescary,Iguess.ThistimeIknowI’mnotcomingback.I alsoknowIdon’thaveadadwaitingtohelpmeout.Leavingwasharderthistime.”
    Hell, I’d record it so she could replay it over and over if it would help. “Don’t ever think you’realone.”
    TheideaofbeingfreetolookatherallIwantedwastempting.Butshe’dexpectmetosleep and I wasn’t wasting any time I had with her by sleeping through it. “I’m good. Thanks, though.”
    “I’m starving. What sounds good to you?” I asked, pulling back onto the interstate that wouldleadusbacktoFlorida.
    “If you’re starving please just stop wherever you want. I can ind something to eat anywhere.”Shesoundednervousagain.
    “Blair, I’m getting you soup,” I replied, glancing over at her. I made sure to smile so she wouldknowIwantedtogethersoup.
    Wedidn’tspeakforawhilebutitfeltgoodjusttohaveherinthecarwithme.Ididn’twant hertofeellikeshehadtotalk.

    The irstexitwithfoodIpointedtothesign.“Looksliketherearegoodoptionshere.Picka place,”Itoldher.
    AsmalllaughstartledmeandIlookedovertoseeheractuallysmiling.Makingherdothat moreoftenwasanewgoal.

    BlairewasasleepagainwhenwepulledintotheparkinglotatBethy’sapartmentlatethat night. I’d been careful to keep our conversation easy. After awhile we’d settled into a comfortablesilencethenshe’dfallenasleep.
    IputtheRoverinparkthensatbackandlookedather.I’dglancedoverathersleepinga million times on the ride home. Just for a few minutes I wanted the freedom to watch her sleep.Thedarkcirclesunderhereyesworriedme.Wasshenotsleepingenough?Bethymight know.Icouldtalktoheraboutit.AskingBlairequestionslikethatrightnowprobablywasn’t wise.
    A soft knock on my window tore my attention from Blaire to Jace who was standing outsidethecarwithanamusedlookonhisface.Iopenedthedoorandsteppedoutbeforehe couldwakeherup.IwantedtowakeherupandIdidn’twantanaudiencewhenIdidit.
    Jacechuckled.“Bethy’sanxiousforhertogetbacksoshecanhearaboutthetrip.I’llhelp youwithherstuffifyou’llwakeherupandgetherinside.”

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