Naked 2 : BAD

Free Naked 2 : BAD by Kelly Favor

Book: Naked 2 : BAD by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
ever, until the day she died and beyond.
    He broke away for a moment, looking at her.
    She smiled. “I’ve been waiting for that,” she told him.
    His mouth twitched into a slight grin. “You have, huh?”
    “What else have you been waiting for?”
    She licked her lips. “I can’t say right now.”
    “Can’t or won’t?”
    He laughed and then leaned in and began kissing her again, this time with more emphasis. His tongue entered her mouth and she could taste mint, and her body shuddered with the sensation of him against her, feeling his skin and knowing he wanted her.
    She wouldn’t have thought it was possible that she might want him sexually, might be begging for him to do so much more to her, not so soon after what Jayson had done to her.
    But the truth was, she did. Her body was responding, everything inside her was responding, not caring what she’d been through or any of her doubts and concerns.
    Her body seemed to demand so much more than just a mere kiss.
    Everything felt tight and ready, waiting like a coiled spring, and all it needed was for Elijah to turn the key and…
    She moaned as his tongue slowly worked its way in and out of her mouth and she ran her hands down the length of his chest, to his rock hard abdomen.
    It only occurred to her that they were standing in the street when she heard the car pulling up behind them and felt the headlights illuminating them. She turned towards the blinding light.
    “Oh, sorry,” she yelled, backing out of the road, towards the curb.
    Jayson moved with her.
    The car slowly crept forward a few feet, but it wasn’t going very fast. As the headlights dimmed from her vision, Caelyn suddenly realized whose car it was.
    “Oh, shit,” she said under her breath.
    Jayson looked at her. “What? What is it?”
    “My parents,” she said. Her stomach clenched with dread.
    The car stopped again and the door opened. Her father got out first, and it was clear he’d gotten dressed hastily. He was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, and his hair was a mess. He squinted warily at Elijah. “Kindly step away from my daughter,” he said loudly, his voice gravelly with tension.
    Jayson glanced at Caelyn, then put his hands up and took a few steps back. “Hey, I’m not here to cause trouble, Sir. I’m just—“
    “You’re just what?” he said, and Caelyn put her hands over her mouth. She’d never seen her father like this. He was completely furious.
    “I just came here as Caelyn’s friend,” Elijah said.
    “You’re her new friend?” Her father laughed bitterly. “That’s wonderful. Sure, I’m relieved.”
    “You should be relieved,” Elijah retorted. “I’m looking out for her.”
    “I’m not interested in anything you have to say,” her dad replied, then looked at Caelyn. “Caelyn, come on.” He motioned her toward the car.
    “Dad, it’s okay. Elijah’s my friend, and he’s perfectly nice. Nothing bad is happening,” she said, trying desperately not to let the whole thing get worse than it already was. “Just go back home, I’ll be in in a few minutes.”
    Her father shook his head. “No.” His voice rose. “No. No.” He shook his head again. “Do you know how worried we are? Do you know what your behavior is doing to your mother? Do you stop to think for a minute about anybody but yourself?”
    He was practically screaming now.
    Elijah stepped between them. “Now just calm down,” he said. “This is getting way too intense. Caelyn didn’t do anything wrong. We were only talking.”
    Her father glared at Elijah. “I don’t know who you think you’re talking to,” he said.
    “But I’m not getting way too intense. I’m this young girl’s father. That means if I decide that she needs to come home then she needs to come home. I’m not leaving her to stand out on a dark street with some punk—“
    “Dad, please,” Caelyn said.
    Elijah laughed and turned his back on her father, shaking his head. “Forget

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