The Billionaire's Past (His Submissive, Part Ten)
my heart roaring in my ears. The
smell of the air. Of Jacob coming up behind me. Of his fingers
tracing my spine.
    "I wish you could see how beautiful you look,
Leila." His voice was so low, stroking me as gently as his fingers.
"Have you tried out the bench?”
    "Yes sir," I said softly, stepping forward
and straddling it. As much as I could anyway. Positioning my body
near the end, leg on each side and lowering. There were a few key
differences. I'd been clothed then. And even though I'd imagined
what it'd be like to ease my body forward until it was flush
against the bench and feel him beside me, fantasy paled in
comparison to reality.
    The strokes lengthened, his path angling
toward my bottom until his fingers drew up the rounded curve,
kneading it and making me squirm.
    "Are you ready?"
    I must have said ‘yes sir’ because there
would have been repercussions if I hadn't. I was in a daze,
lowering myself on the bench.
    I strained my neck, fingertips millimeters
from the pavement. Tingling. I was completely exposed but I wasn’t
thinking about any eyes that could be pointed in our direction. The
little voice in my head whispered that my zen at being naked on a
bench on the patio was because no one could see me. And if they
could, all I could see was the cement.
    But it was more than that. I trusted Jacob.
And even though I was still coming to terms with the part of me
that seemed to love pushing the envelope, doing things that would
make the old vanilla part of me blush, it was the fact that I was
listening to that side that made me smile. My dark, kinky side. The
piece of me that was counting down the seconds, aching for him to
spank me.
    “Do I need to get restraints?”
    “No sir,” I said without hesitation. I would
lie there and take it. I wasn’t gonna run. Not that I would get
very far anyway since the railing was only a few inches away.
    “Good girl,” he said huskily. I shivered when
his hand rested on my lower back, pleasure vibrating through me.
“You will count...and use your color if you need it.”
    The hand was creeping downward, cupping my
cheeks and my eyes rolled back in my head. We hadn’t even gotten to
the main event and already I felt like I could come on the spot.
The hand tightened, a piece of flesh blooming as pain snapped me
from my daze.
    “Are you listening?” he asked sternly.
    Uh oh. “No sir.” I clenched my fists as the
pinch intensified, grounding me.
    “Don’t let that happen again,” he admonished
    I squeezed my eyes shut, my body tensing.
“I’m sorry.” As soon as ‘sorry’ dropped from my lips he released me
and traded the pinch for tender strokes.
    “Are you ready to begin?”
    I relaxed my fists, fingers spreading out.
Trembling with anticipation. “Yes sir.”
    The first strike was a whisper, lust curling
around me, its slice making my core weep. “One.”
    I drew a shaky breath as the second landed,
any fog officially cleared as my bottom tingled.
    “Three.” The tickle became a sting, pinpricks
lighting along the surface.
    Four spread them, making me bite my lip.
    Five...well, five showed me that this was no
game at all. I felt every inch of his hand throbbing against my
skin, even after he retracted.
    Six and I bit down on my lip, connecting the
pain on my behind with the new slice of it that clutched my
    Seven and my mouth was open, a silent cry
echoing through me. I felt his need to release, to take me to the
edge with every strike.
    I wanted to hold on, to surrender to the
bliss of pain; that moment where the two stark emotions bled into
one another. Between my legs I knew I could go there and beyond. I
was already spiraling out of control, my climax a word away. But
the rest of me was on fire.
    “Yellow,” I said hoarsely when we hit
seventeen. Louder . “Yellow.”
    Eighteen didn’t come and when I heard his
footsteps retreat I almost leapt up and told him that I took it
back. I missed it. I felt like that was

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