The Billionaire's Past (His Submissive, Part Ten)
crazy, the rational,
thinking part of me wondered what screw was loose that made me
entertain the thought of him coming back and wailing on me until I
went numb. To abandon everything but the count. To focus on nothing
except us. But I didn’t move from the bench, using the moments to
breathe, to stretch out my fingers and toes.
    His feet reappeared beside me, a finger
stroking a curl before I heard the click sound of a top being
    “This may be cold.”
    I sucked in a breath behind my teeth as I
felt the chill of the medicated lotion, the stuff tingling as it
warmed, smoothing away the last tendrils of pain. He bent down
beside me, his face level to mine. Blue eyes searched me, the
concern making me smile.
    “You alright?” My smile broadened just as a
tear sprung free and he leaned forward, cupping my cheek as he
paled. “God, Leila if it was too much you should have--”
    I shook my head adamantly. “It wasn’t. I used
it when I needed to.” I felt my nipples aching, the place inside me
unfulfilled. “In fact, I, uh...”
    His fingers drew to my chin, thumb sweeping
across my bottom lip. “You want more, huh?”
    I clenched between my legs, nodding
enthusiastically. “Yes sir.”
    He smirked, his eyes dark with mischief. “You
are insatiable, Leila Montgomery.”
    I bat my eyelashes at him boldly. “Have you
seen yourself lately? I didn’t stand a chance.”
    He stood up, gesturing for me to join him. My
limbs should have felt like jello but I was so into him, into
feeling him that I practically leapt to my feet, feeling sure.
Confident. How could I not be with him looking at me that way?
    “For curiosity's sake, if I let you take the
reins, what would be next?”
    My eyes darted to his groin then back up
before I asked him coyly, “May I show you?”
    “By all means.”
    I reached forward, slowly pulling his belt
loose and holding onto his heated gaze as I pulled down the zipper.
I slid my hand inside his boxers, moaning behind my lips when I
gripped him, hand barely able to fit around the engorged bulge. His
jaw tightened, still fighting to maintain control but when I
started sliding up and down the shaft, his mouth opened as he
looked down at me, a low moan hanging in the space between us.
    “I want to take you in my mouth,” I said
    His lips trembled but his voice was steady
and authoritative. Just like I liked it.
    “Then get on your knees.”
    I lowered my body slowly, bringing his pants
with me. They pooled at his feet and he stepped out of them,
offering me some barrier between my knees and the cement. Not that
I would have felt discomfort. I was focused on nothing other than
the way he twitched and throbbed in my hand.
    I took him firmly in one hand and leaned
forward, tongue dancing over the slit, the velvety taste of him
coating my tongue. I let my tongue roam around the mushroom tip,
lingering when his muscles flexed and his cock thumped in approval.
I brought my other hand to the base of him, pumping in tandem with
my mouth. His hand knotted in my hair as he drug me up and down the
length. His grip reminded me that even though he was wildly
thrusting his hips, a slave to my mouth, he was still running
    He brought me back to my feet as his balls
tightened, heart lurching to my throat. "Inside."
    We barely made it back through the door. My
fingers were flying down the row of buttons, not stopping until I
saw his hardened chest. It was discarded, the boxers next as we
dashed up the staircase. He spun me around and slammed me against
the wall, inches from the bed. We were so close but he was already
spreading me, fingers plunging inside like he was tired of waiting.
I leaned back against the wall, neck fully exposed as I swirled my
hips. The fingers were so deep that I was gasping for air, hands
clawing at his chest as he filled me before retreating. Eyes
watching. Love burning in the blue.
    He drove his digits in me, voice deep as sin,
speaking the fact of my state of

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