The Billionaire's Past (His Submissive, Part Ten)
climax. “You’re close.”
    I couldn’t speak so I shook my head and
    He pulled me from the wall and threw me onto
the bed, chest heaving. Every beautiful, hardened vein popped
beneath the skin of him.
    When I brought my knees up his eyes devoured
the heat between my legs before he rushed into the divide,
spreading me as he gripped my hips and thrust inside of my sex.
    The feel of him moving, pounding me into the
mattress coursed as wildly as the blood in my veins. Every inch
brought a new sensation.
    As soon as my eyes fluttered closed, I
snapped them back open and he smiled his approval. He wanted to
look at me, peel back every layer until there was only me. And it
wasn't a one sided thing. As he rocked into me, he let me know him.
See things no one else got to see. The raw emotion that rippled
across his face. Wide open vulnerability. The truth that a man with
everything guarded but couldn’t hide when we were so close our
souls touched.
    He plunged deeper, filling me to the
    “If I ever lost you...” He slowly drew out
and slammed back inside me, a moan ripping through his body. It was
raw emotion. Anguish. Need.
    I brought my hands up, gripping the globes of
his ass. Digging my fingers in possessively. I didn’t want to ever
lose him either. I was his...and he was mine. “You won’t. Ever .”
    He switched positions, taking my legs from
his hips and vaulting them to his chest. I was parallel, a foot on
each side of his head.
    He moved back inside me, my body reaching for
him, clenching him as he filled every part of me. I looked up at
him, every perfect line of his face connected to me.
    His lush lips formed a single word. Together .
    I hoped it meant what I thought because when
I felt his release I let go, my body clamping, clenching, tingling
and alive with love for him. So much love I swear my heart would
    We slumped onto the sheets, breathing still
labored, speech impossible. But we didn’t need words. He brought me
to his chest and I smiled as I listened to his racing heart,
closing my eyes.

Section Ten
    I flipped up the collar of my jacket, the
night air crisp. Jacob’s arm rounded my shoulder, pulling me close
before I even shivered, his body warmth radiating over me. Perfect.
Not that we needed it. The night was already perfect. I was still
recovering from the aftershocks of what we’d done on the terrace.
Up against the wall. In the bed. And then the leg thing in the
    And then there was this night. Stars blinking
in the sky. People zipping past, love, life bustling around every
corner. It was almost enough to make me forget that me and Jacob
weren’t just spending a night out, enjoying some post coital
tingles and winks over a cup of coffee.
    “ You’re the one that told me I should be
open to her. That I should give her a chance to explain.”
    “ Yeah, but--”
    “ Five minutes. And the moment she says
anything offensive, which will probably be less than five minutes
in, it’s done.”
    I’d let out a begrudging okay, wishing I
could take back my attempts at rebuilding bridges. After the night
we had, anything happening that could diminish the high I was on
made me want to kick and scream.
    We stopped at the crosswalk in front of the
coffee shop. We were that much closer to the end of this buzz.
    I perked up on my toes and pressed my lips
against his cheek. Lingering. Inhaling the warm, dry smell of
    He peered down at me with a smile. “What was
that for?”
    Just because would have been romantic. The
truth was decidedly less so. “For courage.”
    His smile faltered, but the hand wrapped
around mine tightened reassuringly. “It’ll be okay.”
    The signal beeped for us to cross and I
exhaled as the world around me changed. The sounds that I’d loved
before were suddenly too loud and grating. Instead of ignoring the
people that seemed too close before, I glared at the backs of those
who hustled past, invading my personal space.

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