Sorrows and Lace
wife to satisfy the deal that Robbie gave him, Ronan would never be run out of his home again.
    Long strides carried him through the barn as he glanced in each stall, searching for Kelsey and Redbird. Frustration filled him. Where the hell was she? Dan had said she’d made it back okay.
    Laug hter and muffled voices reached him from the watering troughs on the outside of the barn, opposite the house. Leaving through the back doors, Ronan turned the corner and stopped. Slate, Robbie, and Kelsey had tied off their horses to the poles above the water and were standing at the rears of their horses talking, completely at ease with each other like they had kept in touch over the years.
    No small amount of jealousy ripped through Ronan’s gut. Damn those MacAllisters. He held his anger in check, controlling every footfall and every facial expression. He might be disgusted with his neighbors and want to seriously maim them, but he needed their help – hell, they might be the reason Kelsey was being followed.
    Even though Ronan doubted they were the only reason.
    At the sound of his approach, Kelsey turned, genuine happiness lighting up her face. “R.J., the boys rode me back. Something about you missing a meeting at the bank with them?” She pointed her finger at him and lifted her eyebrows. “You and I have to discuss some things as well.”
    Shit, the bank. “Right, sorry guys. I was indisposed. If you’d like to come to my office, we can discuss the matter as well as some new developments in our current joint business venture.” Hopefully, they’d pick up on the hint that he wanted to discuss the Caracus gang. Other than the ultimatum from Robbie, Ronan’s only business relationship with the MacAllisters involved taking their money as interest on loans. They didn’t have anything he wanted.
    And what could he and Kelsey have to discuss, unless it was when they were to be married and how soon they could consummate the legalities. That damn kiss had been on his mind all morning. He’d reread the same contract four times. “Kelsey, leave Redbird. The guys will get her. She needs to be fed and brushed.”
    Kelsey passed by him to get to the barn door. Slightly shoving his shoulder, she whispered. “I’m serious. I’m not a damn bro odmare.” And then she stomped inside.
    Petulant? Or perky and stubborn? Or maybe it was beautiful and needing a damn lesson on respect? Either way, he didn’t mind watching her ass move in her tight-as-sin jeans as she walked away. He afforded himself another moment before turning back to the twins. “Men, if you’ll come inside?”
    Slate and Robbie trailed behind Ronan. He didn’t invite them into a conversation and he didn’t really give a shit about being a good host. As far as he was concerned, they were a means to an end.
    With the door to the office shut firmly behind them, Ronan indicated some seats and claimed his own. He sprawled his legs out and leaned an elbow on the armrest. Once it appeared his guests were settled, he lifted a finger and pointed between the two. “Have either of you seen anyone outside your property or on it? Did you see anyone on your way here today?”
    They glanced at each other and then back at him. Quizzical expressions, almost comical, if the situation weren’t so serious upon their identical faces. Slate spoke first. “No, Ronan, what’s going on?”
    Sighing, Ronan sat up and steepled his fingers above the desk, his elbows set apart just so. He liked to call his position the Reveal-and-Reel stance. He shared specific information and then got whatever he wanted based on what he gave out. And what he needed right now involved access to Lonely Rivers as well as riders experienced in the area – them. “Well, I’ve set up some of my hands to watch the perimeter of Lacey Caverns. They aren’t supposed to go after anyone or seek anything out, just observe and report.”
    He held up his hand for a pause. “Nothing is more important than safety

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