Free OVERPROTECTED by Jennifer Laurens

Book: OVERPROTECTED by Jennifer Laurens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Laurens
Tags: young adult romance
nose. I slid in.

    Colin got in after me and Eddy shut the door.

    I kept my gaze out the window, embarrassed to have tried to do something as simple as go off campus for lunch and then have to explain myself. Of course, it wasn’t Colin’s fault. Daddy’s insistence that I keep ridiculous rules was the problem.

    Still, I didn’t know what to say to Colin after such a fail. I wasn’t sorry, so I wouldn’t apologize. I’d do it again if the opportunity arose.

    But what if Daddy tightened the reins even more?

    My insides crumbled. You shouldn’t have broken the rules. You should have continued to bide your time. When my birthday came, life would change whether my parents wanted to accept me turning eighteen or not.

    Eddy rarely made small talk with me on the drive home. Today, he remained silent, sipping his Starbucks. Had Colin discussed what had happened with him? Would Colin tell Daddy?


    My cell phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my book bag.


    let me kno what your dad says k
    Colin was watching me, his look halfway between curious and annoyed. “What?” I snapped.

    “Nothing.” He turned his gaze out the window. At that moment, I wanted to jump into his head and read his thoughts. Bugged that I cared, annoyed that I didn’t know what he was thinking, I yanked my iPod from the depths of my book bag, shoved the earbuds in my ears and cranked up the music.

    Eddy dropped Colin and I off in front of the townhouse and then merged into traffic to go pick up Daddy.

    My back to Colin, I stood at the door, and tapped the code into the security pad. The door beeped and Colin reached around me, his chest brushing my arm when he thrust the door open. I shivered.

    Without meeting his gaze, I entered the townhouse. I took the marble stairs up two-at-a-time. Was I imagining his intimidating gaze following me? Or was guilt making me paranoid? I didn’t have the nerve to verify with a glance.

    I slammed my bedroom door. Then cringed. He’s going to think you’re a baby, slamming doors and acting like a prima donna.

    I tossed my book bag on my bed, unzipped it and pulled out what homework awaited me. I flopped on my stomach, opened my folders and stared at my assignments. And sighed.

    Colin. Pressing me against the door. Kissing me.
    Mother’s voice floated from downstairs. I jerked upright. She was never here when I got home, always out with her friends, shopping or attending some event. Colin’s voice mixed with hers.

    I hopped to my feet, ran to the door and cracked it open.

    “Did Ashlyn behave?”

    I covered my mouth to quiet a gasp as I crept to the stairs so I could hear better.

    “She was fine, Fiona.”

    “Good. I don’t approve of feisty behavior. We simply do not allow it.”

    I remained poised at the hall corner, where I peered down the curved stairs and saw the back of Mother’s head and Colin’s face.

    Colin shifted, appearing itchy. He crossed his arms over his chest. His gaze flicked from Mother’s face and caught me. I jerked back. Oh no. I clenched my fists. This day couldn’t get more humiliating.

    Only one thing truly soothed every emotion plaguing me. I quickly headed to the music room and shut the double doors.

    I sat at the piano and let out a sigh. When my fingers touched the keys, my eyes closed and frustration ebbed on contact with the instrument. Even the familiar repetition of scales soothed. Over and over my fingers played up and down the keyboard. How long I played, I don’t know, but when I looked out the large, floor-to-ceiling windows facing Park Avenue, the sky was dark and lights glowed from the buildings.

    My cell phone vibrated in my pocket.

    what did u r dad do?
    not home yet
    ate chinese gonna barf now cya
    I laughed. Felicity’s parents ate Chinese food three times a week.

    Felicity often joked that her hair was starting to grow in rice noodles.

    “Ashlyn?” Mother stood in the open double doors of the music room. Today

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