First Ride
her to have everything, because she doesn’t think she can.
    Fuck, I’m a lost cause, far beyond saving. Maybe that’s why I want to save her .
    I breathe her in, she smells so fucking good. I hold her tight, she feels so fucking good. She’s so little, fits perfectly against me, my arms closing her in. I’m not a good person. I’m not a good man. But, she makes me feel something other than the numbness and the shit I’ve grown used to. She makes me feel alive, like her being safe and happy could somehow radiate its way onto me. I need it. I need her in order to feel that.
    Her body quivers in my arms, under my touch. I don’t need many things in life. I need my club, I need my bike, and I need my brothers. Other people, broads, can come and go and I wouldn’t bat an eye.
    But somehow, right now, with her in my arms, I feel for her what I feel for the core things in my life I can’t live without and I have no fucking idea how it happened. I only know that I don’t want it to go away.
    The fact that she may not feel the same doesn’t even register. I’ll make her feel it, make her see me the same way I see her.
    My fingertips begin moving on their own, kneading the flesh of her tight stomach, trailing over her silky skin teasingly. I look down over her shoulder and see the dark shadow welling between her tits, moving and expanding quickly as she begins to breathe faster with my touch.
    Her neck stretches, bearing a patch of flushing skin speckled with shades of deep pink. An urge takes hold and I pull her in hard as I bend my head to feast on her delicate neck. My tongue swirls and traces along the slope, tasting her. She moans but doesn’t move, doesn’t budge, as I hold her captive in my tight embrace.
    My tongue traces its way up to the soft drop of her earlobe and I take hold, sucking and pulling on it with my teeth. Angel lets out a deep sigh and I feel her knees buckle. For sure she would have fallen to the cold, hard kitchen floor if not for my arms. In one swift motion, I toss her up and around, catching under her thighs and pulling her in so they spread on either side of me, hugging my waist with her legs.
    Her eyes look down at me as I hold her up, with her tits nearly popping out of the black top and spilling into my mouth. She watches me, wondering what’s happening but not doing anything to stop it.
    I bury my head between her breasts kissing and slurping at the mounded flesh, moving between one tit and the other, coercing them fully out of the fabric with nothing but my lips and my tongue.
    Her hands hold tight to my neck, bracing herself as I walk blindly through the small room to the door I’d seen her escape through earlier last night. Her body with its small curves and hot skin is light, bouncing with each step I take. Her perfect tits dance playfully in front of me as I bob for them, catching them and pulling on the tight nipples peaking high, releasing them with a hollow popping sound as I reach for the other, back and forth.
    Her breaths are heavy and deep, with hot air flowing over me every time she exhales. Not more than two steps into her darkened bedroom and my legs touch the frame of her bed.
    I feast on her as she pants, neither one of us wanting for me to let go, but I do. Somewhere between gentle and not, I let her go, falling to the bed as I follow. There’s a window somewhere, I don’t know where exactly, but rays of moonlight fall perfectly, casting onto her face.
    Her eyes are huge, watching, needing me. My forearm rests near her face and I stretch my fingers out to touch her cheek, pushing aside a stray strand of hair. Her eyelashes flutter as my fingers make contact with her glowing skin and the simple little motion does something to me.
    Those deep eyes of hers hypnotize me, capture me, but I force myself to look away before it does something I’m afraid of. I see her lips, plump and swollen, parted as she breathes heavily and I lower myself onto them, taking them with my

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