Finding Me (The Bad Boy Series)

Free Finding Me (The Bad Boy Series) by S.K. Hartley

Book: Finding Me (The Bad Boy Series) by S.K. Hartley Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.K. Hartley
broken? She has been through hell, sweetie. I don't know whether she'll ever come back from that."
    "No," I deadpanned. "I have never thought she was too broken. I have thought that maybe I can't give her what she wants, what she needs. But I have never once thought that maybe she was too broken."
    "Oh, sweetie." She sighed. "Then maybe it's time for her to heal. You have been protecting her for the best part of ten years. It's time for her to learn how to deal with this on her own."
    "I know. I just don't know how."

    Chapter Nine
    The tears flowed from my eyes for hours, they just wouldn't stop. The sobs never came, but the tears just poured out. It was as if the dam had been broken, flooding everything within its path. My chest hurt, my heart hurt, my head hurt. Everything was beyond painful; it wasn't the ache of the shit I went through in that house. It was a pain that was indescribable, as if everything inside me had shattered beyond repair.   
    I could see the looks of pity from my brother and my best friend, and for the first time it wasn't making me recoil back into a dark place. It was pissing me off. It was a look that said 'She's broken, again.'   
    "Baby girl," Tate started, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand. I didn't want to hear it, I didn't need to know how much I had screwed up. I knew it, I felt it and I hated myself for it. I could see Tate wanted to say more, to try and 'help me' but right now I wanted to be alone.  
    "Tate, I'm exhausted. Please, just go home," I whispered.  
    I could see the indecision in his eyes, he didn't want to leave me after what had just happened. He had walked in just as Logan had walked out, finding his sister silent and unmoving. Then those damn tears started, and they hadn't stopped since.  
    "But..."  Tate started. 
    "Tate. Go home," I bit through clenched teeth. I didn't want sympathy, I didn't deserve it. I pushed Logan away. I broke him. I would not sit here while everyone looked at me like a lost damn dog, I was sick of it.   
    Low suddenly walked into my eye-line, her tired stare making me falter within my own thoughts. She looked like hell, her hair weren't the shiny and beautiful waves of blonde anymore and her makeup was streaked across her face. It was because of me, it was because of me why she looked like that.   
    "Low, I am fine. Please, I am just so tired," I mumbled, not wanting to look her in the eye.  
    I looked over at my brother, who was staring back at me with solemn eyes, but all I could see written on his face was the pity laced with sympathy. I didn't want it. I was angry, angry at myself for what I did, angry at Angel for deceiving me, angry at Jack for hurting me. I was angry at everyone and everything.   
    "Neva James?" A smooth voice I didn't recognize broke through the tension filled room.  
    Moving my gaze from my brother, I noticed a short portly man walk into the room, who looked to be in his fifties.   
    "Yes," I replied on a shaky breath. The tears had slowed their assault on the sensitive skin of my cheeks, but they hadn't stopped entirely.  
    "I'm Dr. West. Sorry I haven't been to see you sooner, it's been a little busy around here," he said while walking towards me. "I just need to check you over. That okay?"   
    I nodded slowly, careful not to move too much. The doctor checked my chest, my bruises and the ugly cut to my head. Everything he touched hurt, the pain prickled against my skin with a hum. I hadn’t even registered the cuff that had inflated around my arm.  
    "How do you feel? Any headaches ... nausea?" he asked while shining a light in both my eyes.  
    "No headaches, I feel a little sick though," I muttered. I quickly stole a glance through my lashes at my brother, who now stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed in front of his chest. I hated seeing him upset but I was far too exhausted to deal with anyone right now.  
    "We can give you some more meds

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