Zero Alternative

Free Zero Alternative by Luca Pesaro

Book: Zero Alternative by Luca Pesaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luca Pesaro
have been only a few months out of university, still shy around the senior traders. He nodded to Walker and Mendes, then stammered, ‘Sc… Scott, can I ask you a question?’
    ‘If I’m not too nosy, why do… why do they call you “Yours”?’
    Mendes cracked up, his laughter turning into a cough when he inhaled too much smoke. ‘I thought everyone knew about that!’
    Gander and Steph both shook their heads. Mendes glanced at Walker and grinned. ‘It’s because this man has never met a financial instrument he doesn’t like to sell short. He might be the best bear-trader you’ll ever meet, but apparently he’s yet to see a level of the market that he doesn’t find too expensive…’
    Walker’s private phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his inside pocket and unlocked it, checking the screen.
. He walked a few steps away, towards the outer edge of the garden where he found a quieter spot. Mendes’ voice faded away and he answered the call, ‘Hi mate.’
    ‘Thanks, Scott. I owe you big time.’ The Serb’s voice sounded tired, and worried.
    ‘You do. How did you get on in the end?’
    ‘Not good, but it could have been worse. And don’t worry, I always repay my debts.’
    It probably came with the territory, Walker guessed. ‘I know.’
    ‘Listen – I’m in London next week. Let’s meet up. And if you need
    ‘I’ll think about it.’ He grinned.
    ‘Great. I’ll buzz you. Ciao.’
    Walker shut off his phone and was about to go back to the Dorfmann tables when he heard someone calling out, ‘Yours, where are you?’
    ‘Here.’ He slid the phone away and raised his hand.
    Alice Cramer walked towards him holding two glasses full to the brim of a transparent liquid. Her hips swayed slightly as she glided around a group of semi-drunk brokers, smiling when she saw him. She had long reddish hair and was still wearing her work suit – her skirt a little too short for Dorfmann, really – but she had changed into a semi-transparent top under her jacket, her ample cleavage pushed up by a sheer satin bra.
Fine, I’ll admit she IS quite hot
. She passed him a glass and her dark blue eyes sparkled.
    ‘I hear you like the strong stuff.’
    Walker nodded and tried a sip; the vodka carried a weird earth-like flavour, a hint of bison grass and something else, impossible to place.
    ‘Me too.’ Cramer’s voice dropped an octave lower as she leaned closer. ‘I’m told this is a special brand.’
    ‘What’s the occasion?’
    ‘You are…’ Her tone was almost husky as she placed a hand on his arm. ‘How does it feel to be the Hero?’
    Walker shrugged, reminding himself to be careful. ‘There were no heroes today. The floor dropped nearly a hundred bucks, I think.’
    ‘It could have been a lot worse. Especially without a certain trader.’ She stood on tiptoes and moved closer, her toned body pushing against his arm and shoulder. ‘How much did you make, today?’ Her mouth almost brushed his ear as she whispered, her long hair caressing his nose and cheek.
    ‘Wow.’ She exhaled softly, her breath tickling his earlobe and sending a shiver down his spine. ‘I’m impressed.’
    ‘You shouldn’t be. It’s only a number on a computer monitor.’
    ‘A large number, though.’ She stood back a little, her hand still on Walker’s arm. ‘You live near Tower Bridge, right?’
    ‘Let me know when you’re done here. We’ll share a cab back.’
    He nodded and watched her moving gracefully back towards the Dorfmann group. After a few steps she turned around and flashed him a smile, then disappeared into a heaving throng of people. Pop music started blaring out from a few waterproof speakers scattered around the outside bar.
    Walker lit another cigarette and shook his head with a small grin.
This could turn messy
. He tried to ignore the sparkling in his veins and bit on his tongue. It wasn’t the first time that Cramer had come on to

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